Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Language Arts and Grammar Worksheets

Possessive Nouns Worksheets

Stop puzzling over possessives! Guide your students through the maze of complexities that possessives pose, such as nouns, pronouns, apostrophes, and joint and individual ownership. No prep activities covering sentence rewriting, creative writing, and other various options will reinforce these skills in students grades 2 through 7. After completing these engaging activities, your students will be able to piece possessive information together like experts!
Possessive Nouns Worksheets

Possessive Nouns for Grades 2 to 4
             Circle the possessive noun

Circle the possessive noun and then circle if it is singular or plural

Write apostrophes to correct the possessive nouns

Write the possessive form of the word (word given for each sentence)

Write the possessive form of the word (word list at the top of the page)

Rewrite a group of words using a possessive noun

Rewrite a sentence using a possessive noun

Possessive Nouns for Grades 5 to 6
             Circle the possessive noun

Circle the possessive noun and then circle if it is singular or plural

Write apostrophes to correct the possessive nouns

Write the possessive form of the word (word given for each sentence)

Write the possessive form of the word (word list at the top of the page)

Rewrite a group of words using a possessive noun

Rewrite a sentence using a possessive noun

Apostrophes - Individual Ownership
     Individual Ownership - Rewrite the sentence

Apostrophes - Joint Ownership
     Joint Ownership - Rewrite the sentence

Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, and Contractions (grades 4-7)
     Using my, mine, I, and me
     Using you, your, yours, and you're
     Using her, hers, and she
     Using his and he
     Using it, its, and it's
     Using our, ours, and we
     Using their, theirs, they, and there's
     Using whose, who, and who's
     Mixed Review
     Write a sentence showing the correct usage of each word

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