Louisa May Alcott
To The First Born (grades 1-3) |
William Allingham
Robin Redbreast (grades 3-5) |
Laurence Alma-Tadema
Playgrounds (grades 2-4) |
Maya Angelou
Life Doesn't Frighten Me (grades 3-4) |
The Cats of Kilkenny (grades 1-3) |
A Fly and a Flea in a Flue (grades 2-4) |
A Tutor Who Tooted the Flute (grades 2-4) |
A Young Lady of Lynn (grades 2-4) |
Boys and Girls Come out to Play (grades 2-4) |
I Raised a Great Hullabaloo (grades 2-4) |
The Codfish (grades 2-4) |
The Joke (grades 2-4) |
The March Wind (grades 2-4) |
The North Wind Doth Blow (grades 2-4) |
There Was a Young Lady Called Bright (grades 2-4) |
Two Little Kittens (grades 2-4) |
Have You Ever Seen? (grades 3-5) |
Little Clotilda (grades 3-5) |
There Was a Young Lady from Niger (grades 3-5) |
There Was a Young Maid (grades 3-5) |
To Be Answered in Our Next Issue (grades 3-5) |
Monday's Child (grades 4-6) |
When Mother Reads Aloud (grades 4-6) |
John Kendrick Bangs
The Little Elf (grades 1-3) |
Hilaire Belloc
Introduction: The Bad Child's Book of Beasts (grades 4-6) |
Hillaire Belloc
The Vulture (grades 2-4) |
Jane Euphemia Browne
The Rooks (grades 2-4) |
Gelett Burgess
The Purple Cow (grades 2-3) |
Table Manners (grades 2-4) |
Lewis Carroll
You Are Old, Father William (grades 5-6) |
Alice Cary
November (grades 3-5) |
Charles Causley
Colonel Fazackerley Butterworth-Toast (grades 5-6) |
Lydia Maria Child
The New-England Boy's Song About Thanksgiving Day (grades 2-4) |
Colley Cibber
The Blind Boy (grades 2-4) |
Sara Coleridge
A Calendar (grades 3-5) |
Trees (grades 3-5) |
Hilda Conkling
The Old Bridge (grades 3-5) |
George Cooper
October's Party (grades 4-6) |
Elizabeth T. Corbett
A Misspelled Tail (grades 3-5) |
Alice Guerin Crist
Fairies (grades 3-5) |
Sydney Dayre
A Lesson for Mamma (grades 3-5) |
Grandma's Lost Balance (grades 3-5) |
C. J. Dennis
The Music of Your Voice (grades 4-6) |
Emily Dickinson
Bee! I'm Expecting You! (grades 2-4) |
Hope is the Thing with Feathers (grades 2-4) |
The Grass so Little Has to Do (grades 2-4) |
Summer Shower (grades 3-5) |
Will There Really Be a Morning? (grades 3-5) |
T. S. Eliot
Gus: The Theatre Cat (grades 5-6) |
Ralph Waldo Emerson
We Thank Thee (grades 4-6) |
Eugene Field
The Duel (grades 5-6) |
Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
The Ostrich (grades 3-5) |
Kate Greenaway
On the Bridge (grades 3-5) |
Edgar A. Guest
A Boy and His Dad (grades 3-6) |
Only a Dad (grades 3-6) |
Father (grades 4-6) |
The Perfect Dinner Table (grades 4-6) |
Edgar Guest
Raisin Pie (grades 4-8) |
Felicia Dorothea Hemans
Landing of the Pilgrims (grades 4-6) |
Oliver Herford
The Crocodile (grades 3-5) |
Heinrich Hoffman
The Story of Fidgety Philip (grades 2-4) |
Thomas Hood
No! (grades 3-5) |
Mary Howitt
The Sunshine (grades 3-5) |
Joyce Kilmer
Trees (grades 4-6) |
Rudyard Kipling
The Camel's Hump (grades 3-5) |
Charles Lamb
Crumbs to the Birds (grades 3-5) |
Charles and Mary Lamb
The First Tooth (grades 3-5) |
Edward Lear
There Was an Old Man With a Beard (grades 3-5) |
The Quangle Wangle's Hat (grades 5-6) |
Vachel Lindsay
The Little Turtle (grades 2-4) |
Amy Lowell
Sea-shell (grades 2-4) |
The City of Falling Leaves (grades 3-5) |
James Russell Lowell
The Fountain (grades 2-4) |
The First Snowfall (grades 3-5) |
Walter de la Mare
Some One (grades 3-5) |
Clement Clarke Moore
The Night before Christmas (grades 6-12) |
Christopher Morely
Smells (grades 4-6) |
Christopher Morley
Full Moon (grades 2-4) |
Animal Crackers (grades 3-5) |
Song for a Little House (grades 3-5) |
Ogden Nash
The Dog (grades 1-3) |
Adventures of Isabel (grades 5-6) |
Edith Nesbit
Baby Seed Song (grades 4-6) |
Alfred Noyes
Daddy Fell into the Pond (grades 3-4) |
Jack Prelutsky
Be Glad Your Nose Is on Your Face (grades 3-4) |
Katharine Pyle
The Circus Parade (grades 2-4) |
Waking (grades 2-4) |
William Brighty Rands
The Cat of Cats (grades 2-4) |
Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore (grades 3-5) |
Thomas Buchanan Read
The Angler (grades 6-8) |
Laura Elizabeth Richards
A Valentine (grades 3-5) |
After a Visit to the Natural History Museum (grades 3-5) |
Prince Tatters (grades 3-5) |
Laura Richards
Eletelephony (grades 3-4) |
The Umbrella Brigade (grades 3-5) |
Theodore Roethke
The Bat (grades 5-6) |
Christina Rossetti
Clouds (grades 1-3) |
Cristina Rossetti
The Rainbow (grades 3-5) |
John G. Saxe
The Blind Men and the Elephant (grades 5-6) |
Sir Walter Scott
Hunter's Song (grades 5-7) |
Frank Dempster Sherman
Blossoms (grades 2-4) |
The Shadows (grades 2-4) |
Baseball (grades 3-5) |
Daisies (grades 3-5) |
Shel Silverstein
Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout (grades 5-6) |
Cicely Fox Smith
Little Gorilla (grades 4-6) |
Robert Louis Stevenson
The Swing (grades 1-3) |
Autumn Fires (grades 2-4) |
Bed in Summer (grades 2-4) |
My Shadow (grades 3-4) |
Foreign Lands (grades 3-5) |
Young Night Thought (grades 3-5) |
Picture Books in Winter (grades 4-6) |
Ann Taylor
The Field Daisy (grades 2-4) |
The Spider (grades 2-4) |
Sara Teasdale
The Falling Star (grades 2-4) |
The Coin (grades 3-5) |
Wishes (grades 3-5) |
Alfred Lord Tennyson
Minnie and Winnie (grades 2-4) |
The Eagle (grades 2-4) |
A Serenade for New Year's Eve (grades 2-4) |
Mr. Nobody (grades 2-4) |
My Books (grades 3-5) |
Judith Viorst
Mother Doesn't Want a Dog (grades 3-4) |
Carolyn Wells
Our Club (grades 1-3) |
There Once Was a Corpulent Carp (grades 2-4) |
A Marvel (grades 3-5) |
An Intercepted Valentine (grades 3-5) |
Amos R. Wells
The Ambitious Ant (grades 2-4) |
The Considerate Crocodile (grades 2-4) |
John Greenleaf Whittier
Somehow, Not Only for Christmas (grades 3-5) |
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Wishing (grades 5-7) |
Elinor Wylie
Silver Filigree (grades 3-5) |