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Poetry Units
Anger by Charles and Mary Lamb

Poetry Activity Printables


Multiple choice, short answer questions, and writing questions - you can print the unit along with the poem
     "Anger" review activity printable - print all section questions at once (options for multiple keys)

Extended activities
     List of extended activities for Anger

by Charles and Mary Lamb

By Charles and Mary Lamb

Anger in its time and place
May assume a kind of grace.
It must have some reason in it,
And not last beyond a minute.

If to further lengths it go,
It does into malice grow.
'Tis the difference that we see
'Twixt the serpent and the bee.

If the latter you provoke,
It inflicts a hasty stroke,
Puts you to some little pain,
But it never stings again.

Close in tufted bush or brake
Lurks the poison-swell�d snake
Nursing up his cherished wrath;
In the purlieus of his path,

In the cold, or in the warm,
Mean him good, or mean him harm,
Whensoever fate may bring you,
The vile snake will always sting you.

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