1. |
The snake stole the eggs from the (leg, heavy, nest, egg).
2. |
Brandon broke his (read, smell, leg, bell) playing football on Monday.
3. |
I chose the (leg, yellow, pet, bed) dress instead of the blue one.
4. |
After the (heavy, read, bell, leg) rings we go to our classes.
5. |
My (pen, bed, egg, heavy) ran out of ink.
6. |
Barry once had a (bell, pet, yellow, dead) pig.
7. |
Dad had to chop down the (pet, dead, yellow, bell) tree in our yard.
8. |
I could not lift the box because it was too (yellow, pen, leg, heavy).
9. |
An ostrich's (bell, dead, egg, heavy) is very large.
10. |
Aaron will (pet, egg, read, heavy) at least five books this summer.