down 1.
Please put the cap on the ( ________ ) of toothpaste.
Rhymes with cube Definition: A long, narrow container that you squeeze to get the contents out. Toothpaste often comes in a container like this.
down 3.
I can hardly wait until the public swimming ( ________ ) opens next week.
Rhymes with dual Definition: A small area filled with water where you can swim.
down 5.
When we woke up in the morning, there was ( ________ ) on the ground.
Rhymes with flu Definition: The water that develops on the ground during the night. This can cause your grass to be wet even though it has not rained.
down 6.
A ( ________ ) is much bigger than a duck.
Rhymes with introduce Definition: A large black bird that lives in the North during summer and flies south in the fall. It returns to its summer home in the spring. This bird travels in a large group, forming a shape that looks like the letter V.
down 7.
A new animal was brought to the ( ________ ).
Rhymes with ewe Definition: A place where you can go see and learn about lots of different wild animals. There are so many cool animals at this place!
down 8.
Next year Alexis will go to the middle ( ________ ).
Rhymes with preschool Definition: A place where people go to learn.
down 9.
There was a full ( ________ ) last night.
Rhymes with platoon Definition: A small satellite that revolves around a planet. The Earth has one.
across 2.
Abe's house is ( ________ ).
Rhymes with through Definition: The color of a clear sky.
across 4.
At home we have really good ( ________ ).
Rhymes with delude Definition: The nutritious things that people and animals eat to stay alive.
across 8.
Sometimes I stand on a ( ________ ) to reach the top bookshelf.
Rhymes with tool Definition: A chair or seat without a back or arms.
across 10.
Jacob just lost his first baby ( ________ )!
Rhymes with vermouth Definition: This is one of the many hard, white bonelike parts inside of your mouth. You use this for biting and chewing.
across 11.
I need a ( ________ ) for my soup.
Rhymes with inopportune Definition: A tool with a curved bowl at one end that you use for eating things such as cereal.