Oceans Theme Unit
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Date ___________________
Word List
abyssal plain
continental shelf
continental slope
mid-ocean ridge
ocean floor
shore zone
sodium chloride
surface current
water cycle
water pressure


Match each definition with a word.

1.   The ocean floor that on average extends 50 miles from the shoreline, but that can be much larger. This part of the ocean floor is not very deep.

   continental shelf   
2.   A stream of water that is flowing forward in an ocean. Gravity, wind friction, and water density in various parts of the ocean all help contribute the making of this.

3.   The land under the oceans.

4.   The deepest parts of the ocean floor.

5.   The amount of salt dissolved in water.

6.   The most common salt that is dissolved in ocean water.

7.   The very steep land that follows the continental shelf and drops sharply to lead to the flat abyssal plains.

8.   The change of a gas into a liquid when it is cooled. This can happen when water vapor rises and then cools in the atomosphere to form clouds.

9.   A giant wave created by an earthquake or underwater volcano.

10.   The area where the ocean and land meets.

11.   The large body of saltwater that covers about 70% of the Earth's surface.

12.   The constant recycling and movement of water on Earth. Energy from the sun, plants, or animals causes water to evaporate. The water vapor rises in the atmosphere to form clouds. Rain returns the water from clouds back to the Earth's surface.

13.   A large wave that is started from the energy in strong winds.

14.   The change of a liquid into a gas that takes place when energy is added to the liquid. This energy may come from the sun or living things.

15.   A long mountain range on the ocean floor.

16.   The weight of water pressing on an object. This is measured in pounds per square inch.

17.   A steep, underwater mountain that was formed by a volcano.

18.   The rain, snow, sleet, and hail that falls from clouds to Earth. This is an important part of the water cycle.

19.   The large flat part of the ocean floor. Water in this region is very cold, highly pressured, rich in oxygen content, but poor in nutritional substance. The depth of this ocean zone is between 6,600 feet and 20,000 feet below sea level.

20.   The up and down movement of energy in water. This movement is only up and down, it cannot move forward.

21.   The daily rise and fall of the ocean water. These are created by the pull of the moon and to a lesser extent the sun's gravity.

22.   The degree of heat or cold of a body or an environment.
