Teacher Worksheets

Multiplication Worksheets

Multiplication Worksheets
Multiplication Worksheets Workbooks - Free PDF Printables:

2nd Grade Multiplication Worksheets Free PDF Workbook
3rd Grade Multiplication Worksheets Free PDF Workbook
4th Grade Multiplication Worksheets Free PDF Workbook
5th Grade Multiplication Worksheets Free PDF Workbook

Multiply your students' mastery in multiplication with systematic practice using these innovative worksheets! Learning multiplication facts will be both educational and entertaining with these review workbooks, facts books, and math centers.

Multiplication Scoot Cards
Scoot Multiplication Math Games      Scoot Multiplication Math Games

Multiplication Review Workbook
        Multiplication Review Workbook - Grade 3

Multiplication Review Workbook - Grade 4

Learning Multiplication Facts Book: You Pick Numbers to Focus On
Perfect for learning multiplication - especially the first page!

        Learning Multiplication Facts Book

Math Facts
             Math Facts

Quick Math Facts

          Make Quick Math Facts Printable     

Multiplication Table and Chart

          Multiplication Table and Chart

Multiplication Squares
Multiplication Squares

Multiplication Math Center
     Multiplication Math Center: Numbers 2 to 9 - Products of 2 to 81 (Grades 3-6)

Multiplication Math Center: Numbers 2 to 12 - Products of 2 to 81 (Grades 3-6)

Multiplication and Division Math Center
     Multiplication and Division Math Center: Numbers 2 to 9 (Grades 3-6)

Multiplication and Division Math Center: Numbers 2 to 12 (Grades 3-6)

Multiplication Chart
            Multiplication Machine
            The Mechanics of Multiplication

Color by Multiplication
             Color by Multiplication

Runaway Math Puzzles
      Runaway Math Puzzles   

edHelperKu Puzzles
      edHelperKu Puzzles - Sudoku with Math

Multiplication Bulletin Board
            "Unlock the Secret of..." Bulletin Board - Learning About Multiple Operations
            Wanda Waitress (and Her Multiplication Tables)

Math Equations Bulletin Board
            "Chimp Challenge" Bulletin Board

Multiplication Word Problems
             Multiplication Word Problems (3rd grade)

Multiplication Word Problems (4th grade)

Multiplication Word Problems (5th grade)

Multiplication Word Problems (6th grade)

Kakuro Puzzles
Kakuro (multiply 2 numbers in each block)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (6 by 6)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (10 by 10)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (15 by 15)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (20 by 20)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (25 by 25)

Kakuro (multiply 2-3 numbers in each block)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (6 by 6)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (10 by 10)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (15 by 15)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (20 by 20)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (25 by 25)

Standard Multiply Kakuro
    Standard kakuro puzzle (6 by 6)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (10 by 10)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (15 by 15)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (20 by 20)
    Standard kakuro puzzle (25 by 25)

Multiply with 2
    Multiply with 2 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10; only the numbers 1 to 5 used)
    Multiply with 2 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 2 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 2 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 20 by 20)
    Multiply with 2 (10 by 10; only the numbers 1 to 5 used)
    Multiply with 2 (10 by 10)

Multiply with 3
    Multiply with 3 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10; only the numbers 1 to 5 used)
    Multiply with 3 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 3 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 3 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 20 by 20)
    Multiply with 3 (10 by 10; only the numbers 1 to 5 used)
    Multiply with 3 (10 by 10)

Multiply with 4
    Multiply with 4 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10; only the numbers 1 to 5 used)
    Multiply with 4 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 4 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 4 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 20 by 20)
    Multiply with 4 (10 by 10; only the numbers 1 to 5 used)
    Multiply with 4 (10 by 10)

Multiply with 5
    Multiply with 5 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10; only the numbers 1 to 5 used)
    Multiply with 5 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 5 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 5 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 20 by 20)
    Multiply with 5 (10 by 10; only the numbers 1 to 5 used)
    Multiply with 5 (10 by 10)

Multiply with 6
    Multiply with 6 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 6 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 6 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 20 by 20)
    Multiply with 6 (10 by 10)

Multiply with 7
    Multiply with 7 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 7 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 7 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 20 by 20)
    Multiply with 7 (10 by 10)

Multiply with 8
    Multiply with 8 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 8 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 8 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 20 by 20)
    Multiply with 8 (10 by 10)

Multiply with 9
    Multiply with 9 (only multiply 2 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 9 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 10 by 10)
    Multiply with 9 (multiply 2 or 3 numbers; 20 by 20)
    Multiply with 9 (10 by 10)

Introduction to Multiplication (Part 1)
Multiplication Concepts (with graphics of pictures)
     Write the sum and product
     Write the addition and multiplication fact
     Write the sum and product (smaller graphics)
     Write the addition and multiplication fact (smaller graphics)
Multiplication with Rows (dot graphics)
     Multiply with 2
     Multiply with 3
     Multiply with 4
     Multiply with 5
     Multiply with 6
Write the sum and then write the product
     Multiply with 2
     Multiply with 3
     Multiply with 4
     Multiply with 5
     Multiply with 6
     Multiply with 7
     Multiply with 8
     Multiply with 9
     Multiply with 10
Addition and Multiplication: Fill in the missing numbers
     Multiply with 2
     Multiply with 3
     Multiply with 4
     Multiply with 5
     Multiply with 6
     Multiply with 7
     Multiply with 8
     Multiply with 9
     Multiply with 10
Addition and Multiplication: Comparison
Introduction to Multiplication: Mixed Review
     Introduction to Multiplication Mixed Review

Introduction to Multiplication (Part 2)
Basic Multiplication Worksheets
     Multiply with 0 and 1
     Multiply with 2
     Multiply with 3
     Multiply with 4
     Multiply with 5
     Multiply with 6
     Multiply with 7
     Multiply with 8
     Multiply with 9
     Multiply with 10
Mixed Basic Multiplication Worksheets (numbers 0 to 10)
     Vertical multiplication
     Horizontal multiplication
     Vertical and horizontal multiplication
     Fill in the missing number
Mixed Basic Multiplication Worksheets (numbers 2 to 10)
     Vertical multiplication
     Horizontal multiplication
     Vertical and horizontal multiplication
     Fill in the missing number
Mixed Basic Multiplication Worksheets with a smaller font (numbers 2 to 10)
     Vertical multiplication
     Horizontal multiplication
Multiplication Problem Solving
     Multiplication problem solving
Multiplication Mixed Review
     Multiplication Mixed Review

Easy Multiplication Activity Books
            Math Insect Fun
            Multiplication Activity Pages (book #1)
            Multiplication Activity Pages (book #2)
            Multiplication Activity Pages (book #3)

Multiplication and Division
     Fill in the quotient
     Fill in the missing number
     Fill in the missing number

Column Multiplication with Extra Space To Solve Problems
     1-2 digits by 1 digit column multiplication
     2 digits (and increasing 1 digit every 2 rows) by 1 digit column multiplication
     2 digits (and increasing 1 digit every row) by 1 digit column multiplication
     Multiples of 10 multiplication (2-5 digits by 1 digit)
     2 digits by 2 digits column multiplication
     2-3 digits by 2 digits column multiplication
     4-5 digits by 2 digits column multiplication
     2 digits (and increasing 1 digit every 2 rows) by 2 digit column multiplication
     2 digits (and increasing 1 digit every row) by 2 digit column multiplication

Column Multiplication (more problems with less space)
     1-2 digits by 1 digit column multiplication
     2 digits (and increasing 1 digit every 2 rows) by 1 digit column multiplication
     2 digits (and increasing 1 digit every row) by 1 digit column multiplication
     Multiples of 10 multiplication (2-5 digits by 1 digit)
     2 digits by 2 digits column multiplication
     2-3 digits by 2 digits column multiplication
     4-5 digits by 2 digits column multiplication
     2 digits (and increasing 1 digit every 2 rows) by 2 digit column multiplication
     2 digits (and increasing 1 digit every row) by 2 digit column multiplication

Part 2
     1-2 digits by 1 digit across multiplication
     3-4 digits by 1 digit across multiplication
     1-2 digits by 2 digits across multiplication
     Across multiplication with 3-5 numbers
     Fill in the missing numbers: 1-2 digits
     Fill in the missing numbers: 2 digits
     Fill in the missing numbers: 2-3 digits
     Math multiplication boxes: 3 x 3 (numbers 1-9)
     Math multiplication boxes: 4 x 4 (numbers 1-9)
     Math multiplication boxes: 3 x 3 (numbers 4-19)
     Multiplication word problems (basic)
     Multiplication word problems
     Multiplication word problems
     Multiplication Mixed Review

Multiplying by 3-5 Digits
     2-3 digits by 2-3 digits column multiplication
     (extra space for work) 2-3 digits by 2-3 digits column multiplication
     Multiples of 10 multiplication (2-5 digits by 1 digit)
     (extra space for work) Multiples of 10 multiplication (2-5 digits by 1 digit)
     3-4 digits by 3-4 digits column multiplication
     (extra space for work) 3-4 digits by 3-4 digits column multiplication
     2-5 digits by 2-5 digits column multiplication
     (extra space for work) 2-5 digits by 2-5 digits column multiplication
     Fill in the missing numbers: 3-4 digits
     2-3 digits by 3-5 digits across multiplication
     Across multiplication with 3-5 numbers (2 Digits)
     Multiplication number word puzzles
     Multiplication word problems

     Multiplication Mixed Review

Division Facts Through 10
Multiplication and Division: Fill in the missing numbers
     Multiplication and division with 2
     Multiplication and division with 3
     Multiplication and division with 4
     Multiplication and division with 5
     Multiplication and division with 6
     Multiplication and division with 7
     Multiplication and division with 8
     Multiplication and division with 9
     Multiplication and division with 10
     Multiplication and division (mix)

Multiply Decimals
Column Multiplication with Extra Space To Solve Problems
     Multiply a decimal (up to hundredths) by a Whole Number
     Multiply a decimal (up to ten-thousandths) by a Whole Number
     Multiply 2 decimals (up to tenths; numbers are less than 1)
     Multiply 2 decimals (up to hundredths; numbers are less than 1)
     Multiply 2 decimals (up to thousandths; numbers are less than 1)
     Multiply 2 decimals (numbers are from 0 to 999.99)

Column Multiplication (more problems with less space)
     Multiply a decimal (up to hundredths) by a Whole Number
     Multiply a decimal (up to ten-thousandths) by a Whole Number
     Multiply 2 decimals (up to tenths; numbers are less than 1)
     Multiply 2 decimals (up to hundredths; numbers are less than 1)
     Multiply 2 decimals (up to thousandths; numbers are less than 1)
     Multiply 2 decimals (numbers are from 0 to 999.99)

Part 2
     Across multiplication: a decimal (up to hundredths) by a Whole Number
     Fill in the missing numbers (up to tenths)
     Fill in the missing numbers (up to hundredths)
     Fill in the missing numbers (up to thousandths)
     Order of Operations (no parenthesis; numbers up to 9.9)
     Order of Operations (no parenthesis; numbers up to 99.99)
     Order of Operations
     Order of Operations (one missing number)
     Order of Operations (one missing operation)
     Order of Operations (fill in all numbers)
     Order of Operations (fill in all operations)
     Decimal multiplication word problems
     Multiplication of decimals: Mixed Review

Solving Multiplication Equations
     Solving multiplication and division equations
     Solving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division equations
     Write an equation for each problem. Then solve the equation.

Multiply and Divide Fractions
     Multiply fractions
     Multiply fractions: find the value of y
     Multiply fractions with mixed numbers
     Multiply fractions with mixed numbers: find the value of y
     Divide fractions
     Divide fractions: find the value of y
     Divide fractions with mixed numbers
     Divide fractions with mixed numbers: find the value of y
     Multiply and divide fractions
     Multiply and divide fractions: find the value of y
     Multiply and divide fractions with mixed numbers
     Multiply and divide fractions with mixed numbers: find the value of y
     Multiply and Divide Fractions Mixed Review

Beginning Algebra with Multiplication
     Solving multiplication and division equations
     Solving equations (mix)

More Decimals and Multiplication
     Multiply decimals
     Open-ended decimal questions
     Decimals Word Problems Printable
     Decimals Word Problems Printable: Science Problems (Physics, Biology, and Chemistry)
     Decimals Word Problems Printable: Scientific Notation
     Decimals Review Printable

Multiplication and Inequalities
     Solving Inequalities by multiplying or dividing
     Solving Multi-Step Inequalities

Multiplication and Exponents
     Multiplying Powers
     Multiplying Powers with Unknowns (Monomials)
     Multiplying Monomials (No Negatives)
     Multiplying Monomials (Negatives)
     Multiplying Monomials (Negatives and Power-Of-A-Power or Power-Of-A-Product)
     Division of Monomials (Includes Multiplication)
     Division of Monomials (Multiplication and Power-Of-A-Power or Power-Of-A-Product)
     Scientific Notation: Multiplication

Multiplication from Number Word Searches!
     Multiplication with numbers 1-6   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with numbers 1-9   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number one   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number two   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number three   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number four   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number five   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number six   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number seven   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number eight   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number nine   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number ten   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with the number eleven   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with numbers 1-13   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with numbers 10-20   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     Multiplication with numbers 1-20   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     2 Digit Multiplication   - with number words    (Fill-In Puzzle)
     3 Digit Multiplication   - with number words
     2 and 3 Digit Multiplication   - with number words

Multiplication from Missing Digits
     Multiplication Missing Digits (1 Digit)
     Multiplication Missing Digits (2 Digits)
     Multiplication Missing Digits (1-2 Digits)
     Multiplication Missing Digits (3 Digits)
     Multiplication Missing Digits (2-3 Digits)
     Multiplication Missing Digits (4 Digits)
     Multiplication Missing Digits (3-4 Digits)
     Multiplication Missing Digits (2-4 Digits)

Decimal Multiplication from Missing Digits
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1 Digit, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-2 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (2-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1 Digit)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-2 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 3 Digits)
     Decimal Multiplication Missing Digits (1-3 Digits, Decimal Places: 1-3 Digits)

Integers and Multiplication
     Multiplication (fill in the missing number)
     Multiplication and Division (only 2 numbers each)
     Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division mix
     Solving multiplication and division (algebra)

Multiplication of Measurement
     See the Measurement page for a larger selection
     Multiplying English Measurements
     Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication (English Measurements)

Multiplication and Matrices
     Multiply a Matrix by One Number
     Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication
     Solve for x: Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication
     Multiplication of Matrices
     Solve for x and y: Multiplication of Matrices

Multiplication and Simplifying Algebraic Fractions (Some Polynomials)
     Multiplying Algebraic Fractions

Multiplication and Polynomials
from the polynomials worksheets
     Multiplication (Monomial by Polynomial)
     Multiplication using FOIL (Binomial by Binomial)
     Multiplication (Polynomial by Polynomial)
     Mixing Addition, Multiplication, and Division in one problem.
     A mix of all the different operation worksheets.

Multiplication and Rational and Irrational Numbers
from the radical worksheets
     Multiplying and Dividing Irrational Radicals
     Mix: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
     Multiplying Binomials (radicals have constant value)
     Multiplying Binomials
     Multiply: Radicals with Variables and Numbers

Multiplication and Complex Numbers
     Multiplication and Division of Complex Numbers
     Multiply Complex Numbers (in i form already)

Multiplication from Number Puzzles!
* The following worksheets are for edHelper.com subscribers.
A subscription to edHelper includes access to the math, spelling, and vocabulary subscription areas. Sign up for the subscriber materials.
     Multiplication Basics (Number 2)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 3)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 4)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 5)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 6)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 7)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 8)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 9)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 10)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 11)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 12)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 13)
     Multiplication Basics (Number 14)
     Multiplication (Mixed/Difficult)
     Multiplication (Across, Numbers 2-12)
     Multiplication (Numbers 2-12)
     Multiplication (Fill in the Missing Factor)
     Multiplication (2 Digits by Numbers 2-9)
     Multiplication (3 Digits by Numbers 2-9)
     Multiplication (2 Digits by 2 Digits)
     Multiplication (Mixed)
     Multiplication (2-3 Digits by a 1 Digit Number)
     Multiplication (3 Digits by 2 Digits)
     Multiplication (4 Digits by 2 Digits)
     Multiplication (4 by 1, 4 by 2, and 5 by 2 Digits)
     Multiplication (3-6 Digits by 2 Digits)
     Multiplication (bigger numbers)
     Grouped Multiplication (includes -,+ and 3+ numbers)
     Mixed Addition,Subtraction,Division, and Multiplication
     Multiplication and Division (no remainders)
     Multiplication and Division (more difficult - no remainders)
     Multiplication and Division (with remainders)
     Mixed Addition,Subtraction,Division, and Multiplication
     Money Multiplication (Number Puzzle)
     Money Multiplication and Division (Number Puzzle)

Measurement Multiplication from Number Puzzles!
     Multiplication of English Measurements

Fraction Multiplication from Number Puzzles!
     Multiplication (Mixed Fractions)
     Multiplication and Division

Integers Multiplication from Number Puzzles!
     Multiplication and Division
     Multiplication and Division (more...)

Multiplication Sequences from Sequences Puzzles!
     Multiplication Sequences
     Mixed Addition, Subtraction, Division, Multiplication
     Multiplication With Addition (2x+1 for example)
     Radical Numbers (Multiplication)

Multiplication Math Box from Math Box Puzzles!
     Multiplication Math Box Puzzle Worksheet

Multiplication of Fractions from Fraction Worksheets!
     Multiplication of Fractions
     Multiplying Fractions
     Multiplication of Mixed Numbers
     Multiplying Mixed Numbers
     Multiplying Algebraic Fractions

Critical Thinking
     Calculating Salary (Whole Numbers)
     Calculating Salary (Pay Includes Decimals)
     Calculating Salary (Everyone's Pay Differs by a Decimal)
     Multiplication and Fractions: Money Spent at the Mall

More Activities and Printables

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