Learn About and Write a Haiku
Write an Advice Column for Dear Dracky, Dracula's Niece
Scientific Notation Practice: Conversion Between Standard and Scientific Notation
Scientific Notation Maze - Journey to Zero Village: From Standard Numbers to Scientific Notation
Understanding and Practicing Scientific Notation
Reading Log: Capturing Every Book You Read
Celebrating Individuality: A Map of Me - Individuality Map
Student Self-Reflection Questionnaire - All About Me
Answering Funny Questions: A Writing Exercise
Using the Five Senses to Write a First-Person Account of a Pair of Glasses
Help Nelson the Naysayer Use Negatives in a Sentence
Helping an Alien Categorize Different Types of Nouns
Write a Persuasive Essay Using Emotional Words
Help Victor the Vampire Spell Homophones Correctly
Writing About a Product That is Endorsed By a Well-Known Person: A Persuasive Testimonial Writing Exercise
Practicing Pronouns and Antecedents by Rewriting Unclear Sentences
Draw a Masterpiece and Write About It
Writing a Letter as an Older Version of Yourself