Help Oliver the Owl Find the Direct Object in Each Sentence
Identifying Direct Objects: A Circle-the-Right-Word Worksheet
Helping an Alien Categorize Different Types of Nouns
Go Fishing for Possessive Pronouns: A Possessive Pronoun Identification Activity
Create a Cave Drawing to Illustrate a Native American Myth
Rewriting Sally Sloth's Sentences So They Are More Interesting
Helping Greg the Grizzly Underline Appositives in a Sentence
Draw a Masterpiece and Write About It
Help Victor the Vampire Spell Homophones Correctly
Help Thema the T-Rex Find Demonstrative Adjectives: An Underlining and Writing the Answer Worksheet
Exploring Earth's Orbit: Labeling Earth's Journey Around the Sun - Diagram and Vocabulary Activity
Animal Cell Exploration: Labeling Animal Cell Structures
Practicing Pronouns and Antecedents by Rewriting Unclear Sentences
Name the Parts: Plant Cell Edition
Plant Cell Anatomy: Exploring and Labeling the Components of a Plant Cell
Practicing "You" and "Your" Worksheet