Teacher Worksheets

Measurement Worksheets

Category: Math

Category: Measuring Length

Category: Measurement Tools

Category: Measurement

Category: Scale and Conversions

Category: Measurement and Comparisons

Measurement is a practical topic that students will need for their whole lives, and these worksheets will help students go from basic concepts of length in both the English and metric systems to telling time, temperature, and more. Outstanding problems also cover volume and weight through word problems, lively visuals, and other creative avenues.

Measurement Mixed Review - Introduction
     Measurement Kindergarten Workbook        Measurement Kindergarten and 1st Grade Workbook

Measuring Length
Easier: First Answer Given
             Measure length in inches - first answer given

Measure length in centimeters - first answer given

Measuring Length of Objects
             Measure length in inches

Measure length in centimeters

Sorting Length
Easier: First Answer and Last Answer Given (Preschool and Kindergarten)
             Measure length in inches - 1 is shortest, 6 is longest (first and last answers given)

Measure length in inches - 1 is longest, 6 is shortest (first and last answers given)

Measure length in inches - mix (first and last answers given)

Sorting Length: First Answer Given
             Measure length in inches - 1 is shortest, 6 is longest (first answer given)

Measure length in inches - 1 is longest, 6 is shortest (first answer given)

Measure length in inches - mix (first answer given)

Sorting Length: One Answer Given (can be any number from 1 to 6)
             Measure length in inches - 1 is shortest, 6 is longest (one answer given)

Measure length in inches - 1 is longest, 6 is shortest (one answer given)

Measure length in inches - mix (one answer given)

Length of Lines

             Measure length in inches between points

             Measure length in centimeters between points

Length of Boxes
Easier: Always the Same Direction
             Length: One large problem (4 to 6 rectangles)

Length: One large problem (7 to 10 rectangles)

Length: One large problem (11 to 15 rectangles)

             Length: Two problems per page (4 to 6 rectangles)

Length: Two problems per page (7 to 10 rectangles)

Different Directions on Same Problem
             Length: One large problem (4 to 6 rectangles)

Length: One large problem (7 to 10 rectangles)

Length: One large problem (11 to 15 rectangles)

             Length: Two problems per page (4 to 6 rectangles)

Length: Two problems per page (7 to 10 rectangles)

With Addition and Subtraction Questions
             Length with Addition and Subtraction Questions: One large problem (4 to 6 rectangles)

Length with Addition and Subtraction Questions: One large problem (7 to 10 rectangles)

Length with Addition and Subtraction Questions: One large problem (11 to 15 rectangles)

             Length with Addition and Subtraction Questions: Two problems per page (4 to 6 rectangles)

Length with Addition and Subtraction Questions: Two problems per page (7 to 10 rectangles)

Measure Length of Line Segments
             Measure Length of Line Segments

Length and Weight (Grades 1-3)
Length (black and white graphics)
     Circle the object with the longest side
     Number the objects in order from shortest to longest
     Number the objects in order from longest to shortest
     Estimate (inches and feet)
     Estimate (centimeters and meters)
Weight (black and white graphics)
     Circle the object that is heavier
     Circle the object that is lighter
     Number the objects in order from lightest to heaviest
     Number the objects in order from heaviest to lightest
     Estimate (ounces and pounds)
     Estimate (grams and kilograms)
Review (black and white graphics)
     Length and weight review (black and white graphics)

Length (color graphics)
     Circle the object with the longest side
     Number the objects in order from shortest to longest
     Number the objects in order from longest to shortest
     Estimate (inches and feet)
     Estimate (centimeters and meters)
Weight (color graphics)
     Circle the object that is heavier
     Circle the object that is lighter
     Number the objects in order from lightest to heaviest
     Number the objects in order from heaviest to lightest
     Estimate (ounces and pounds)
     Estimate (grams and kilograms)
Review (color graphics)
     Length and weight review (color graphics)

Make the Scale Balance
Easier: Balance is Equal - Add the Missing Blocks
             Add the missing blocks

Add the missing blocks and write the number of blocks on each side

Add the missing blocks - one problem does not need any blocks

             More problems per page

More problems per page - one problem does not need any blocks

One Side of Balance is Heavier
             Add the missing blocks

Add the missing blocks and write the number of blocks on each side

Add the missing blocks - one problem does not need any blocks

             More problems per page

More problems per page - one problem does not need any blocks

Some Balances are Equal - Others have Heavier Sides
             Add the missing blocks

Add the missing blocks and write the number of blocks on each side

Add the missing blocks - one problem does not need any blocks

             More problems per page

More problems per page - one problem does not need any blocks

Greater and Less Than: Make the Scale Balance
Easier: Maximum Sum of 19
             Answer given for the first problem - the sign is given for all the problems

Answer given for the first problem - the sign is given for the first four problems

Answer given for the first problem

No answers, but blank lines are shown for parts ___ ____ ____ ____ _____

Maximum Sum of 99
             Answer given for the first problem - the sign is given for all the problems

Answer given for the first problem - the sign is given for the first four problems

Answer given for the first problem

No answers, but blank lines are shown for parts ___ ____ ____ ____ _____

Algebra Challenge - Maximum Sum of 19 - All balances are equal and there is one UNKNOWN
             Algebra Challenge: Answer given for the first problem - the sign is given for all the problems

Algebra Challenge: Answer given for the first problem - the sign is given for the first four problems

Algebra Challenge: Answer given for the first problem

Algebra Challenge: No answers, but blank lines are shown for parts ___ ____ ____ ____ _____

Using a Ruler
            I Can Measure It Myself
            Ruler Puzzles

Easiest: Measurement Math Center - Inches - Fewer Images on Cards
     Easiest: Measure the length between two pictures - Horizontal Measure Only (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Easiest: Measure the length between two pictures - Horizontal Measure Only (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Easiest: Measure the length between two pictures - Vertical Measure Only (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Easiest: Measure the length between two pictures - Vertical Measure Only (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures - Horizontal or Vertical Measure (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures - Horizontal or Vertical Measure (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measurement Math Center - Inches
     Measure the length between two pictures (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Easiest: Measurement Math Center - Centimeters - Fewer Images on Cards
     Easiest: Measure the length between two pictures - Horizontal Measure Only (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Easiest: Measure the length between two pictures - Horizontal Measure Only (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Easiest: Measure the length between two pictures - Vertical Measure Only (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Easiest: Measure the length between two pictures - Vertical Measure Only (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures - Horizontal or Vertical Measure (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures - Horizontal or Vertical Measure (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measurement Math Center - Centimeters
     Measure the length between two pictures (full page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Measure the length between two pictures (half-page cards) (Grades 1-4)

Bulletin Board
            Mouse's Measurements

Cooking Activities
            Cooking Puzzles

Volume Capacity: Circle the Bottle with More or with Less Water
Easier: Bottle Sizes the Same
             Circle the Bottle with More (answers on first row are given)

Circle the Bottle with Less (answers on first row are given)

Each page will randomly pick either More or Less (answers on first row are given)

             Circle the Bottle with More

Circle the Bottle with Less

Each page will randomly pick either More or Less

More Difficult: Different Size Bottles in Problems
             Circle the Bottle with More (answers on first row are given)

Circle the Bottle with Less (answers on first row are given)

Each page will randomly pick either More or Less (answers on first row are given)

             Circle the Bottle with More

Circle the Bottle with Less

Each page will randomly pick either More or Less

Capacity (Grades 1-3)
     Order Capacity: Order the objects from smallest capacity to greatest capacity
     Order Capacity: Order the objects from greatest capacity to smallest capacity
     Circle the container that holds more
     Circle the container that holds less

Cups and Pints
     Circle the set which holds more
     Circle the set which holds less
     Which holds more? (more difficult)
     Which holds less? (more difficult)

Pints and Quarts
     Circle the set which holds more
     Circle the set which holds less
     Which holds more? (more difficult)
     Which holds less? (more difficult)

Cups and Quarts
     Circle the set which holds more
     Circle the set which holds less
     Which holds more? (more difficult)
     Which holds less? (more difficult)

Cups, Pints, and Quarts
     Circle the set which holds more
     Circle the set which holds less
     Which holds more? (more difficult)
     Which holds less? (more difficult)

Quarts and Gallons
     Circle the set which holds more
     Circle the set which holds less
     Which holds more? (more difficult)
     Which holds less? (more difficult)

Pints, Quarts, and Gallons
     Circle the set which holds more
     Circle the set which holds less
     Which holds more? (more difficult)
     Which holds less? (more difficult)

     Cups and pints
     Cups, pints, and quarts
     Cups, pints, quarts, and gallons

     Is the temperature hot or cold in the picture?
     Color the thermometer to show the temperature
     Color the thermometer to show the temperature

Capacity Review
     Capacity mixed review

Temperature: Circle the Warmer or Colder Temperature
             Circle the warmer temperature (answers on first row are given)

Circle the colder temperature (answers on first row are given)

Each page will randomly pick either warmer or colder (answers on first row are given)

             Circle the warmer temperature

Circle the colder temperature

Each page will randomly pick either warmer or colder

Temperature: Write the Temperature and Color in the Temperature
             Fahrenheit: Write the temperature - no negatives and tens only

Fahrenheit: Write the temperature - tens only

Fahrenheit: Write the temperature - no negatives

Fahrenheit: Write the temperature

             Fahrenheit: Color in the temperature - no negatives and tens only

Fahrenheit: Color in the temperature - tens only

Fahrenheit: Color in the temperature - no negatives

Fahrenheit: Color in the temperature

             Celsius: Write the temperature - no negatives and tens only

Celsius: Write the temperature - tens only

Celsius: Write the temperature - no negatives

Celsius: Write the temperature

             Celsius: Color in the temperature - no negatives and tens only

Celsius: Color in the temperature - tens only

Celsius: Color in the temperature - no negatives

Celsius: Color in the temperature

Fahrenheit or Celsius (randomly picked mix)
             Write the temperature - no negatives and tens only

Write the temperature - tens only

Write the temperature - no negatives

Write the temperature

             Color in the temperature - no negatives and tens only

Color in the temperature - tens only

Color in the temperature - no negatives

Color in the temperature

Measurement Logic Puzzles
     Making ice cream
     High and low temperatures
     Width and length of rooms (feet)
     Width and length of vegetable plots (meters and centimeters)
     Length, width, height, and volume (same unit)
     Length, width, height, and volume (mix of units)
     Mass, volume, and density
     Mass, volume, and density (with decimals)
     Shipping packages
     Snow accumulation

     Customary units of measure
     Customary units of measure (with decimals)
     Customary units of measure (with fractions)
     Metric units of length
     Metric units of mass
     Metric units of capacity
     Metric units of capacity (with metric tons)
     Metric units of capacity (mixed - no metric tons)
     Metric units of capacity (mixed)
     Unit Conversions (chart)
     Unit Conversions (convert quantity)
     Adding and subtracting customary units of measure
     Adding and subtracting customary units of measure (with fractions)
     Ordering Metric units
     Measurement review printable

English Measurement
     English Length
     English Weight
     English Capacity
     Time Conversions
     Compare English Measurements
     English Measurement System Conversions
     Adding English Measurements
     Subtracting English Measurements
     Adding and Subtracting English Measurements
     Multiplying English Measurements
     Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication (English Measurements)

Temperature and Scientific Notation
     Temperature Conversions
     Scientific Notation

Metric System: Problem Solving Puzzles
     Kilometers per Liter
     Measuring Volume
     Measuring Volume (Has a Mix of Metric Measurements)
     Calculating Density (No Decimals)
     Calculating Density (Decimals)
     Measuring Weight: Shipping Packages (Grams and Kilograms)

Metric System: Metric Problem Word Stories
     Metric System Word Stories Worksheet #1
     Metric System Word Stories Worksheet #2
     Metric System Word Stories Worksheet #3
     Metric System Word Stories Worksheet #4
     Metric System Word Stories Worksheet #5
     Metric System Word Stories Worksheet #6
     Metric System Word Stories Worksheet #7
     Halloween Metric System Word Problems

Metric System Reading Comprehension
     Metric Pizza

        Measurement Glyph

Metric System: Read and Color
            Measuring in Metric

Metric System: Metric System Worksheets
     Metric Length
     Metric Weight
     Metric Capacity
     Compare Metric Measurements
     Mixed Metric System Measurement Conversions

Metric System: Metric System Crossword Number Puzzles
     Metric Length
     Metric Weight
     Metric Capacity
     Mixed Metric Conversions
     Convert Between Fahrenheit and Celsius
     Mixed Metric Decimal Conversions



Height Logic Puzzle
   Height logic puzzle

Scientific Notation
             Scientific Notation

Measuring Bulletin Board
            Tree Trunk Tracker (Height Measuring Chart)

Practice Measurements Activity
            Measure Meter

More Activities and Printables

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