Fifth Grade Math Worksheets
Category: Mixed Operation Word Problems
Math instruction for 5th-grade students will focus on developing fluency with addition and subtraction of fractions; developing understanding of multiplication and division of fractions in limited cases; extending division to 2-digit divisors; extending understanding of place-value to decimal fractions; understanding operations with decimals to hundredths; developing fluency with whole-number and decimal operations; and developing an understanding of volume.
Students will be thoroughly engaged by these worksheets that review basic mathematical concepts, such as the four operations through six digits. They go on to include word problems, critical thinking, algebra, percentages, ratios, all kinds of graphs with analysis, and measurement. The inspired geometry worksheets will help students become familiar with these topics in fun ways that will easily carry them to higher-level mathematical learning.
Free Fifth Grade Math Worksheets:(No Login)
New Math Worksheets for Fifth Graders Each Month
5th Grade Math and Critical Thinking Worksheets
Math Assessments and Hybrid AI Learning:
Whole Numbers and Place Value (easier)
Estimation and Number Theory (easier)
Multiplying and Dividing by 1-Digit (easier)
Fractions (easier)
Whole Numbers
Fractions and Decimals
Decimals (intro)
Adding Decimals
Basics of Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Fractions and Mixed Numbers (addition/subtraction)
Fractions and Mixed Numbers (multiplication/division)
Decimals (easier)
Order of Operations
Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Math Workbooks for Fifth Graders following Common Core Standards:
Chapter 1: Whole Numbers
Number Theory
Chapter 2: Whole Number Multiplication and Division
Fractions and Mixed Numbers (easier pages)
Cumulative Review (Chapters 1-2)
Chapter 3: Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Chapter 4: Multiplying and Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Tables and Line Graphs
Decimals (basics of decimals)
Cumulative Review (Chapters 3-4)
Sept/Oct Math Review (5th grade)
Math Review of Chapters 1-4 (No Sept/Oct Pages)
Chapter 5: Algebra
Data and Probability
Chapter 6: Areas of a Triangle
Cumulative Review (Chapters 5-6)
Mid-Year Math Review
Chapter 7: Ratios
Nov/Dec Math Review
Chapter 8: Decimals
Easy Addition and Subtraction of Decimals
Chapter 9: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals
Third Quarter Review (Chapters 1-9)
Chapter 10: Percent
Chapter 11: Graphs and Probability
Chapter 12: Angles
Chapter 13: Properties of Triangles and 4-sided Figures
Chapter 14: Three-Dimensional Shapes
Geometry Workbooks for 5th grade:
Geometry Chapter 1: Lines, Rays, Line Segments, and Angles
Geometry Chapter 2: Polygons
Geometry Chapter 3: Properties of Geometric Figures
Geometry Chapter 4: Classifying Geometric Figures
Geometry Chapter 5: Angle Measures of Geometric Figures
Geometry Chapter 6: Perimeter
Geometry Chapter 7: Coordinate Planes
Math Assessments and Hybrid AI Learning (5th grade)
This Week's Math Review Book for Fifth Graders - Updated Each Week
Fifth Grade Math Minutes
Math Problem of the day - Robot helps kids answer a challenging question.
5th grade Monthly Math Challenge Book
Fifth Grade Math Puzzle Worksheets
Fifth Grade Mad Minute Timed Math Drill Worksheets
Fifth Grade Coding for Kids with Math
This Week's Reading and Math Book for Fifth Graders
Mental Math Practice Problems
Fifth Grade Math Assessment Practice PDF Pages
Addition Mixed Math PDF Book
Assessment Mixed Math PDF Book
Data Mixed Math PDF Book
Decimals Mixed Math PDF Book
Division Mixed Math PDF Book
Enrichment Mixed Math PDF Book
Fractions Mixed Math PDF Book
Geometry Mixed Math PDF Book
Mad Minute Timed Math Drills Mixed Math PDF Book
Math Challenges - Puzzles and Brain Teasers Mixed Math PDF Book
Math Facts Practice Mixed Math PDF Book
Math Minutes Mixed Math PDF Book
Measurement Mixed Math PDF Book
Mental Math Mixed Math PDF Book
Money Math Mixed Math PDF Book
Multiplication Mixed Math PDF Book
Number Sense Mixed Math PDF Book
Number Theory Mixed Math PDF Book
Patterns Mixed Math PDF Book
Ratios Mixed Math PDF Book
Read and Math Mixed Math PDF Book
Subtraction Mixed Math PDF Book
Word Problems Mixed Math PDF Book
Fifth Grade Math Curriculum: What Students Will Learn
Common Core Math Standards for 5th-grade students cover writing and interpreting numerical expressions; analyzing patterns and relationships; understanding the place-value system; performing operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals to the hundredths; using equivalent fractions as a strategy to add and subtract fractions; applying and extending previous understandings of multiplication and division to multiply and divide fractions; converting measurement units within a given system; representing and interpreting data; understanding concepts of volume and relating volume to multiplication and addition; graphing points on the coordinate plane to solve real-world and mathematical problems; and classifying two-dimensional figures into categories based on their properties.
Fifth-grade students will study fractions and decimals in particular and deepen their understanding of whole numbers, problem-solving, and using calculators. Students will review multi-digit multiplication, and they will learn long division with two-digit divisors. Calculator use may be allowed for operations involving large numbers, and students will be introduced to the idea of an equation and what it means to solve one. Fifth grade is the year that students will learn all the basic mathematical operations with decimals: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of decimals by whole numbers, and then later by decimals.
One of the most difficult topics for your fifth grader's math class this year is adding and subtracting unlike fractions-using the strategy of equivalent fractions by converting them to fractions with a common denominator.
Math in the fifth grade is challenging for even the brightest students, and these worksheets will provide invaluable practice for your entire class. They're quick and easy to print, and the fifth-grade worksheets cover basic skills in the four mathematical operations and provide imaginative ways for students to master critical thinking, algebra, geometry, graphs with analysis, and many other subjects that are vital for their future success in math. No prep for teachers, no boredom for students! Talk about a win-win!