Fourth Grade Math Worksheets
Category: Writing Three-digit Numbers
In the fourth grade, the math curriculum is focused on helping students develop understanding and fluency with multi-digit multiplication and division to find quotients involving multi-digit dividends. Students should develop an understanding of fraction equivalence and learn how to add and subtract fractions with like denominators and multiply fractions by whole numbers. Fourth graders will also learn that geometric shapes can be analyzed and classified based on their properties, such as symmetry, angles, and parallel or perpendicular sides.
These engrossing fourth-grade worksheets will take students far past basic skills in the four operations as they master numbers through the millions and six-digit problems of all kinds. Other captivating worksheets available here cover critical thinking, mean, median, and mode in unique ways for aspiring mathematicians. Students will also enjoy working on important topics such as percentages, ratios, fractions, complex money problems, and number theory. Create your own worksheets tailored to students in geometry, algebra, and more!
Free Fourth Grade Math Worksheets:(No Login)
New Math Worksheets for Fourth Graders Each Month
4th Grade Math and Critical Thinking Worksheets
Math Assessments and Hybrid AI Learning:
Place Value and Large Numbers (easier)
Addition (easier)
Subtraction (easier)
Whole Numbers and Place Value
Clocks and Time (easier)
Fractions (intro)
Estimation and Number Theory
Multiplying and Dividing by 1-Digit
Fractions (easier)
Fractions and Decimals
Adding Decimals
Subtracting Decimals
Measurements and Conversions [English Units]
Measurements and Conversions [Metric Units]
Math Workbooks for Fourth Graders following Common Core Standards:
Chapter 1: Place Value of Whole Numbers
Place Value (challenge pages)
Chapter 2: Estimation and Number Theory
Cumulative Review (Chapters 1-2)
Chapter 3: Whole Number Multiplication and Division
Chapter 4: Tables and Line Graphs
Cumulative Review (Chapters 3-4)
Sept/Oct Math Review (4th grade)
Math Review of Chapters 1-4 (No Sept/Oct Pages)
Chapter 5: Data and Probability
Chapter 6: Fractions and Mixed Numbers
Cumulative Review (Chapters 5-6)
Mid-Year Math Review
Chapter 7: Decimals
Nov/Dec Math Review
Chapter 8: Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Chapter 9: Angles
Third Quarter Review (Chapters 1-9)
Chapter 10: Perpendicular and Parallel Line Segments
Chapter 11: Squares and Rectangles
Chapter 12: Area and Perimeter
Chapter 13: Symmetry
Chapter 14: Tessellations
Geometry Workbooks for 4th grade:
Geometry Chapter 1: Lines, Rays, Line Segments, and Angles
Geometry Chapter 2: Polygons
Geometry Chapter 3: Coordinate Planes
Math Assessments and Hybrid AI Learning (4th grade)
This Week's Math Review Book for Fourth Graders - Updated Each Week
Fourth Grade Math Minutes
Math Problem of the day - Robot helps kids answer a challenging question.
4th grade Monthly Math Challenge Book
Fourth Grade Math Puzzle Worksheets
Fourth Grade Mad Minute Timed Math Drill Worksheets
Fourth Grade Coding for Kids with Math
This Week's Reading and Math Book for Fourth Graders
Mental Math Practice Problems
Fourth Grade Math Assessment Practice PDF Pages
Addition Mixed Math PDF Book
Assessment Mixed Math PDF Book
Data Mixed Math PDF Book
Division Mixed Math PDF Book
Enrichment Mixed Math PDF Book
Fractions Mixed Math PDF Book
Geometry Mixed Math PDF Book
Mad Minute Timed Math Drills Mixed Math PDF Book
Math Challenges - Puzzles and Brain Teasers Mixed Math PDF Book
Math Facts Practice Mixed Math PDF Book
Math Minutes Mixed Math PDF Book
Measurement Mixed Math PDF Book
Mental Math Mixed Math PDF Book
Money Math Mixed Math PDF Book
Multiplication Mixed Math PDF Book
Number Sense Mixed Math PDF Book
Number Theory Mixed Math PDF Book
Patterns Mixed Math PDF Book
Place Value Mixed Math PDF Book
Read and Math Mixed Math PDF Book
Rounding Mixed Math PDF Book
Subtraction Mixed Math PDF Book
Word Problems Mixed Math PDF Book
Fourth Grade Math Curriculum: What Students Will Learn
The Common Core Mathematics Standards for fourth grade state that students should: learn to use the four mathematical operations with whole numbers to solve problems; gain familiarity with factors and multiples; generate and analyze patterns; generalize place value understanding for multi-digit whole numbers; extend understanding of fraction equivalence and ordering; build fractions from unit fractions by applying and extending previously mastered math facts involving operations on whole numbers; understand decimal notation for fractions and compare decimal fractions; solve problems involving measurement and conversion of measurements from a larger unit to a smaller unit; represent and interpret data; understand concepts of angle and measuring angles; draw and identify lines and angles; classify shapes by properties of their lines and angles.
In fourth grade, students focus on multi-digit multiplication and division, learn to use larger numbers up to millions, and solve multi-step word problems that involve more than one operation. After a review of concepts they should already understand, such as addition, subtraction, patterns, and graphs, they'll begin studying fractions and decimals. Order of operations will be introduced, and students will solve complex word problems that involve money and change. They will learn to work with time, temperature, length, weight, and volume, solving problems that require them to use and convert between different units of measurement.
Fourth-grade students will also learn long division and begin using division in word problems. Geometry concepts such as angles are introduced after reviewing concepts students have already learned, such as area and perimeter. Later in the school year, fourth-grade students will learn basic operations involving fractions and decimals, with a focus on conceptual understanding.
How will your fourth-grade students master these challenging new concepts? Practice is key! The worksheets listed on this page cover all the math your fourth-grade students need to know. They're quick and easy to print and can even be customized if needed. These captivating fourth-grade math worksheets will help students achieve mastery of the four operations with numbers up to the millions and develop critical thinking skills by working with percentages, ratios, fractions, number theory, and more. Teachers, take back your weekends with complete math workbooks to use in the fourth-grade classroom. No Prep. Not Boring!