Daily First Grade Math and Critical Thinking Practice
First Grade Daily Homework and Practice Pages
First Grade Mixed Review
Level 1: Easiest (First 2 months of school)
Level 2: Next 3 months of school
Level 3: Next 3 months of school
Level 4: Entire Grade (Final months of school)
Weekly Word Problems
Last week's first grade math word problems
This week's first grade math word problems
Next week's first grade math word problems
Daily Review: Customize math review skills with word problems and language arts
First Grade Geometry
First Grade Algebra
Kindergarten and Preschool Math
Number Lines
Comparing Numbers
Skip Counting
Hundreds Chart
Hundreds Chart Pieces Puzzle
Counting (black and white pictures)
Numbers: 0-9
Circle the set that has fewer
Circle the set that has more
Numbers 1-5: Count and write the number (gives answer to trace over)
Numbers 1-5: Count and write the number
Numbers 6-9: Count and write the number (gives answer to trace over)
Numbers 6-9: Count and write the number
Counting Mixed Review
Numbers: 11-19
Numbers 11-15: Count and write the number (gives answer to trace over)
Numbers 11-15: Count and write the number
Numbers 16-19: Count and write the number (gives answer to trace over)
Numbers 16-19: Count and write the number
Counting Mixed Review
Counting (color)
Numbers: 0-9
Circle the set that has fewer
Circle the set that has more
Numbers 1-5: Count and write the number (gives answer to trace over)
Numbers 1-5: Count and write the number
Numbers 6-9: Count and write the number (gives answer to trace over)
Numbers 6-9: Count and write the number
Counting Mixed Review
Numbers: 11-19
Numbers 11-15: Count and write the number (gives answer to trace over)
Numbers 11-15: Count and write the number
Numbers 16-19: Count and write the number (gives answer to trace over)
Numbers 16-19: Count and write the number
Counting Mixed Review
Ordering Numbers
Numbers: 0-10
Fill in the missing numbers (Just before, after, and between)
Greater than, less than, and equal to (circle the words)
Circle the larger number
Circle the smaller number
Order 3 numbers (from smallest to largest)
Order 3 numbers (from largest to smallest)
Order 4 numbers
Ordering Mixed Review
Numbers: 11-20
Fill in the missing numbers (Just before, after, and between)
Greater than, less than, and equal to (circle the words)
Circle the larger number
Circle the smaller number
Order 3 numbers (from smallest to largest)
Order 3 numbers (from largest to smallest)
Order 4 numbers
Ordering Mixed Review
Numbers: 0 to 20
Fill in the missing numbers (Just before, after, and between)
Greater than, less than, and equal to (circle the words)
Circle the larger number
Circle the smaller number
Order 3 numbers (from smallest to largest)
Order 3 numbers (from largest to smallest)
Order 4 numbers
Ordering Mixed Review
Numbers: 0 to 50
Fill in the missing numbers (Just before, after, and between)
Greater than, less than, and equal to (circle the words)
Circle the larger number
Circle the smaller number
Order 3 numbers (from smallest to largest)
Order 3 numbers (from largest to smallest)
Order 4 numbers
Ordering Mixed Review
Numbers: 0 to 99
Fill in the missing numbers (Just before, after, and between)
Greater than, less than, and equal to (circle the words)
Circle the larger number
Circle the smaller number
Order 3 numbers (from smallest to largest)
Order 3 numbers (from largest to smallest)
Order 4 numbers
Ordering Mixed Review
Ordering and Counting
Odd and Even Numbers
Addition and Introduction to Addition
Subtraction and Introduction to Subtraction
Introduction to Addition
Blocks (black and white)
Find sum (2-7 blocks)
Fill in the missing number (2-7 blocks)
Complete the addition fact (2-7 blocks)
Find sum (6-9 blocks)
Fill in the missing number (6-9 blocks)
Complete the addition fact (6-9 blocks)
Blocks (color)
Find sum (2-7 blocks)
Fill in the missing number (2-7 blocks)
Complete the addition fact (2-7 blocks)
Find sum (6-9 blocks)
Fill in the missing number (6-9 blocks)
Complete the addition fact (6-9 blocks)
Fill in the blanks (sum of 2-9)
Complete the addition fact (sum of 2-9)
Fill in the blanks (sum of 6-12)
Complete the addition fact (sum of 6-12)
Introduction to Addition Mixed Review
Addition: Numbers 0 to 10
Adding the number 1
Adding the number 2
Adding 1-2
Adding the number 3
Adding 1-3
Adding the number 4
Adding 0-4
Adding 2-4
Adding the number 5
Addition using the numbers 0 to 5 (maximum answer is ten)
Vertical addition
Horizontal addition
Fill in the missing numbers
Find addition facts
Word search: adding the number 1
Word search: adding the number 2
Word search: adding the number 3
Word Search: adding 0-5
Word problems and review
Addition word problems
Addition (Numbers 0-10) Mixed Review
Color by Number Addition
Math Facts
Addition Math Facts: Numbers 0 to 9
Addition Facts: Focusing on a number
Addition with the number 1
Addition with the number 2
Addition with the number 3
Addition with the number 4
Addition with the number 5
Addition with the number 6
Addition with the number 7
Addition with the number 8
Addition with the number 9
Subtraction: Numbers 0 to 10
Subtracting the number 1
Subtracting the number 2
Subtracting the number 3
Subtracting the number 4
Subtracting the number 5
Subtracting the number 6
Subtracting 7-10
Subtracting 1-3
Subtracting 2-4
Subtracting 2-5
Subtracting 1-9
Fill in the missing numbers
Subtracting 1-3
Subtracting 2-4
Subtracting 2-5
Subtracting 4-7
Subtracting 3-8
Subtracting 1-9
Find subtraction facts
Word search: subtract the number 1
Word search: subtract the number 2
Word search: subtract the number 3
Word search: subtract the number 4
Word search: subtract the number 5
Word Search: subtracting 1-3
Word Search: subtracting 3-5
Word Search: subtracting 4-9
Word problems and review
Subtraction word problems
Subtraction (Numbers 0-10) Mixed Review
Subtraction Math Facts: Numbers 0 to 9
Subtraction Facts: Focusing on a number
Subtraction with the number 1
Subtraction with the number 2
Subtraction with the number 3
Subtraction with the number 4
Subtraction with the number 5
Subtraction with the number 6
Subtraction with the number 7
Subtraction with the number 8
Subtraction with the number 9
Patterns - Black and White
Select the shape that comes next (rectangle, square, circle, and triangle)
2 different shapes used per problem
Patterns mix different colored shapes
8-12 shapes per pattern
3 different shapes used
2-3 shapes used with different colored shapes
Includes shapes with patterns (11-14 shapes)
13-17 shapes per pattern
Draw the shapes to complete each pattern
8-12 shapes, fill in the blanks at the end
8-12 shapes, fill in the blanks in the middle
8-12 shapes, fill in the blanks at the start
9-13 shapes, one missing space (randomly placed)
9-16 shapes, two consecutive blanks (randomly placed)
9-16 shapes, two missing spaces (randomly placed)
Patterns Mixed Review
Patterns using basic shapes and also additional shapes with 5-8 sides
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #1
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #2
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #3
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #4
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #5
Patterns Mixed Review
Patterns - Color
Select the shape that comes next (rectangle, square, circle, and triangle)
2 different shapes used per problem
Patterns mix different colored shapes
8-12 shapes per pattern
3 different shapes used
2-3 shapes used with different colored shapes
Includes shapes with patterns (11-14 shapes)
13-17 shapes per pattern
Draw the shapes to complete each pattern
8-12 shapes, fill in the blanks at the end
8-12 shapes, fill in the blanks in the middle
8-12 shapes, fill in the blanks at the start
9-13 shapes, one missing space (randomly placed)
9-16 shapes, two consecutive blanks (randomly placed)
9-16 shapes, two missing spaces (randomly placed)
Patterns Mixed Review
Patterns using basic shapes and also additional shapes with 5-8 sides
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #1
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #2
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #3
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #4
Select the shape that comes next - sheet #5
Patterns Mixed Review
Addition Through 20
Addition with Blocks (includes the total block count)
Find the sum
Fill in one number
Complete the addition fact
Addition with Blocks
Find the sum
Fill in one number
Complete the addition fact
Doubles and Doubles + 1
Mixed vertical and horizontal
Fill in the missing numbers
Word search
Addition with the number 10
Blocks: find the sum
Blocks: fill in one number
Blocks: complete the addition fact
Mixed vertical and horizontal
Addition with sums from 11 through 15
Horizontal and vertical addition
Vertical addition
Horizontal addition
Fill in the missing numbers
Word search
Adding three numbers: vertical and horizontal
Adding three numbers: vertical addition
Adding three numbers: horizontal addition
Adding three numbers: fill in the missing numbers
Word problems
Addition with sums from 11 through 19
Horizontal and vertical addition
Vertical addition
Horizontal addition
Fill in the missing numbers
Word search
Adding three numbers: vertical and horizontal
Adding three numbers: vertical addition
Adding three numbers: horizontal addition
Adding three numbers: fill in the missing numbers
Word problems
Addition Through 20 Mixed Review
Subtraction Through 20
Subtraction with Blocks: subtracting 1-5 (includes the answer)
Find the difference
Fill in one number
Complete the subtraction fact
Subtraction with Blocks: subtracting 1-5
Find the difference
Fill in one number
Complete the subtraction fact
Subtraction with Blocks: subtracting 6-10 (includes the answer)
Find the difference
Fill in one number
Complete the subtraction fact
Subtraction with Blocks: subtracting 6-10
Find the difference
Fill in one number
Complete the subtraction fact
Comparing addition and subtraction
Subtracting 1 to 4 from 10 to 19
Subtracting 5 to 9 from 10 to 19
1 addition and 2 subtraction facts
1 subtraction and 2 addition facts
Subtracting from 16 through 20
Horizontal and vertical subtraction
Vertical subtraction
Horizontal subtraction
Fill in the missing numbers
Word search
Word problems
Comparing addition and subtraction
Fill in the missing numbers (number is same for each set)
Fill in the missing numbers
Subtracting from 11 through 20
Horizontal and vertical subtraction
Vertical subtraction
Horizontal subtraction
Fill in the missing numbers
Word search
Word problems
Subtraction Through 20 Mixed Review
Addition and Subtraction Through 20 Review
Find the difference
Fill in one number
Complete the subtraction fact
Horizontal and vertical addition and subtraction
Vertical addition and subtraction
Horizontal addition and subtraction
Fill in the missing numbers
Word search
Word Problems and Review
Addition and subtraction through 20 word problems
Addition and Subtraction Through 20 Mixed Review
Symmetry and Lines of Symmetry
Slides, Turns, and Flips
One half - circle the shape
One half - color
One third - circle the shape
One third - color
One fourth - circle the shape
One fourth - color
What fraction does the colored part show? Circle the fraction
Color one part
Draw lines to show the fraction
Parts of a group
More parts of a group
Fractions and pizza
Fractions Review
Fractions Review
Fractions Review (larger review and includes pizza word problems)
Place Value
Place Value to 99: Ones and Tens
Numbers 11 to 49
Graphics: count and write the number of ones and tens
Given a number: write the number of ones and tens
Given ones and tens: write the number
Fill in the missing number
Circle the larger number
Circle the smaller number
Numbers 51 to 99
Graphics: count and write the number of ones and tens
Given a number: write the number of ones and tens
Given ones and tens: write the number
Fill in the missing number
Circle the larger number
Circle the smaller number
Numbers 1 to 99
Graphics: count and write the number of ones and tens
Given a number: write the number of ones and tens
Given ones and tens: write the number
Fill in the missing number
Circle the larger number
Circle the smaller number
Place Value to 99: Ones and Tens Review
Money (black and white coins)
Counting (each problem only uses one type of coin)
Counting pennies
Counting nickels
Counting dimes
Mixed counting
Mixed counting multiple choice
Total value of coins
Nickels and Pennies
Multiple choice
Write total value (3-9 coins)
Write total value (7-12 coins)
Circle the coins that match the price
Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
Fill in the missing numbers
Dimes and Pennies
Multiple choice
Write total value (3-9 coins)
Write total value (7-12 coins)
Circle the coins that match the price
Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
Fill in the missing numbers
Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes
Multiple choice
Write total value (3-9 coins)
Write total value (7-12 coins)
Circle the coins that match the price
Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
Fill in the missing numbers
Money Review: Pennies, Nickels, and Dimes
Pennies, Nickels, and Quarters
Multiple choice
Write total value (3-9 coins)
Write total value (7-12 coins)
Circle the coins that match the price
Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
Fill in the missing numbers
Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters
Multiple choice
Write total value (3-9 coins)
Write total value (7-12 coins)
Circle the coins that match the price
Draw a certain number of cents using a given number of coins
Fill in the missing numbers
Money Review: Pennies, Nickels, Dimes, and Quarters
Length and Weight
Length (black and white graphics)
Circle the object with the longest side
Number the objects in order from shortest to longest
Number the objects in order from longest to shortest
Estimate (inches and feet)
Estimate (centimeters and meters)
Weight (black and white graphics)
Circle the object that is heavier
Circle the object that is lighter
Number the objects in order from lightest to heaviest
Number the objects in order from heaviest to lightest
Estimate (ounces and pounds)
Estimate (grams and kilograms)
Review (black and white graphics)
Length and weight review (black and white graphics)
Length (color graphics)
Circle the object with the longest side
Number the objects in order from shortest to longest
Number the objects in order from longest to shortest
Estimate (inches and feet)
Estimate (centimeters and meters)
Weight (color graphics)
Circle the object that is heavier
Circle the object that is lighter
Number the objects in order from lightest to heaviest
Number the objects in order from heaviest to lightest
Estimate (ounces and pounds)
Estimate (grams and kilograms)
Review (color graphics)
Length and weight review (color graphics)
Order Capacity: Order the objects from smallest capacity to greatest capacity
Order Capacity: Order the objects from greatest capacity to smallest capacity
Circle the container that holds more
Circle the container that holds less
Cups and Pints
Circle the set which holds more
Circle the set which holds less
Which holds more? (more difficult)
Which holds less? (more difficult)
Pints and Quarts
Circle the set which holds more
Circle the set which holds less
Which holds more? (more difficult)
Which holds less? (more difficult)
Cups and Quarts
Circle the set which holds more
Circle the set which holds less
Which holds more? (more difficult)
Which holds less? (more difficult)
Cups, Pints, and Quarts
Circle the set which holds more
Circle the set which holds less
Which holds more? (more difficult)
Which holds less? (more difficult)
Quarts and Gallons
Circle the set which holds more
Circle the set which holds less
Which holds more? (more difficult)
Which holds less? (more difficult)
Pints, Quarts, and Gallons
Circle the set which holds more
Circle the set which holds less
Which holds more? (more difficult)
Which holds less? (more difficult)
Cups and pints
Cups, pints, and quarts
Cups, pints, quarts, and gallons
Is the temperature hot or cold in the picture?
Color the thermometer to show the temperature
Color the thermometer to show the temperature
Capacity Review
Capacity mixed review
Adding Two-Digit Numbers (No Regrouping)
Adding a one-digit numbers to two-digit numbers (No Regrouping)
Adding tens and ones with blocks
Vertical addition - 2 digits on top and 1 digit on bottom
Vertical addition - 1 digit on top and 2 digits on bottom
Vertical addition - 2 digits and 1 digit (mixed)
Fill in the missing number in each problem
Adding cents
Horizontal and vertical addition
Vertical addition
Horizontal addition
Fill in the missing numbers
Two-Digit Addition (No Regrouping)
Adding tens and ones with blocks
Vertical addition
Fill in the missing number in each problem
Adding cents
Horizontal and vertical addition
Vertical addition
Horizontal addition
Fill in the missing numbers
Word problems and review (No Regrouping)
Two-Digit addition word problems
Two-Digit addition Mixed Review (No Regrouping)
Subtracting Two-Digit Numbers (No Regrouping)
Subtracting a one-digit number from a two-digit number (No Regrouping)
Subtracting tens and ones with blocks
Vertical subtraction - 2 digits on top and 1 digit on bottom
Fill in the missing number in each problem
Subtracting cents
Horizontal and vertical subtraction
Vertical subtraction
Horizontal subtraction
Fill in the missing numbers
Two-Digit Subtraction (No Regrouping)
Subtracting tens and ones with blocks
Vertical subtraction
Fill in the missing number in each problem
Subtracting cents
Horizontal and vertical subtraction
Vertical subtraction
Horizontal subtraction
Fill in the missing numbers
Word problems and review (No Regrouping)
Two-Digit subtraction word problems
Two-Digit Subtraction Mixed Review (No Regrouping)
Adding and Subtracting Two-Digit Numbers (No Regrouping)
Adding and Subtracting with one one-digit number and one two-digit number (No Regrouping)
Adding and subtracting tens and ones with blocks
Vertical addition and subtraction - 2 digits on top and 1 digit on bottom
Vertical addition and subtraction - 1 digit on top and 2 digits on bottom
Vertical addition and subtraction - 2 digits and 1 digit (mixed)
Fill in the missing number in each problem
Adding and subtracting cents
Horizontal and vertical addition and subtraction
Vertical addition and subtraction
Horizontal addition and subtraction
Fill in the missing numbers
Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction (No Regrouping)
Adding and subtracting tens and ones with blocks
Vertical addition and subtraction
Fill in the missing number in each problem
Adding and subtracting cents
Horizontal and vertical addition and subtraction
Vertical addition and subtraction
Horizontal addition and subtraction
Fill in the missing numbers
Word problems and review (No Regrouping)
Two-Digit addition and subtraction word problems
Two-Digit addition and subtraction Mixed Review (No Regrouping)
Telling Time
Write the time (____ o'clock)
Write the time (____:____)
Write the time two ways
Show the time on the clock
Write the time two ways (smaller clocks)
Write the time (half past ____)
Write the time (____:____)
Write the time two ways
Show the time on the clock
Write the time two ways (smaller clocks)
Mixed: Hour and Half-Hour (larger clocks)
Write the time (half past ____ and ____ o'clock)
Write the time (____:____)
Write the time two ways
Show the time on the clock
Mixed: Hour and Half-Hour (smaller clocks)
Write the time (half past ____ and ____ o'clock)
Write the time (____:____)
Write the time two ways
Show the time on the clock
Circle the correct time (2 choices)
Telling Time Mixed Review
First Grade Geometry
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