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Middle School Math
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Whole Numbers
1.   Oh-oh, rats have moved into Mr. Bloop's back yard. If the colony has 8 members now but doubles in size every year, how many rats might there be in Mr. Bloop's back yard after three years?

2.   In the collection of viruses at Big Town University, they had 140 kinds of viruses. If three-fourths of them were animal viruses, how many were not animal viruses?

3.   A volcanic eruption last week on Torubella Island released seven million tons of ash into the air. The last time the volcano on the island erupted, forty-six million tons of ash was released. How much more ash was released on the previous event compared to the most recent one?

4.   Geotest, Inc. drilled a hole in a granite batholith that was 883 meters deep. Globomax, Inc. drilled one in the same formation that was 1343 meters deep. What was the difference between the depths?

5.   A pony in a pony ride takes 34 seconds to make one circuit around a circle. The circumference of the circle is 68 m. What is the average speed of the pony in meters per second?

6.   The efficiency of a compound machine consisting of gears, screws and levers is found to be 60%. Unfortunately the machine was left out in the rain for a week and some corrosion of the metal parts occurred. If the machine's efficiency decreased by 20%, what is its efficiency after the corrosion occurred?


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aKey #2
7.   In a simulator used to train astronauts for work in space, Z-Globe was operating a hydrolysis machine to generate oxygen gas from water. Through hydrolysis (the splitting of water into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas by the use of an electric current) 32 grams of oxygen and 5 grams of hydrogen were liberated. What was the mass of the decomposed water?

8.   Stephanie carefully monitored the temperature in a reaction flask as it was slowly heated in a heating blanket. The temperature rose 35 degrees in 5 minutes. What was the rate of temperature rise in degrees per minute?

9.   The Z-Globe industrial league hockey team is doing pretty well this year. So far, Andrew has scored 5 goals, Isaac has scored 4 goals, and Rebecca has scored 2 goals. If, by the end of the season, Isaac triples his goals, Andrew doubles his and Rebecca quadruples hers, how many goals will they have scored?

10.   Eighty-three people are trying out for the football team. Forty-seven will be selected for further consideration. How many will not be selected for further consideration?


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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Middle School Math
Math Worksheets