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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Place Value
Math Worksheets


Sample - Click above to make a new math worksheet (PDF).
Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Write each number in standard form.
1.   200 + 1
2.   one hundred forty-four
3.   * This is a pre-made sheet.
Use the link at the top of the page for a printable page.
4.   2 tens + 2 ones
5.   five hundred thirty-nine
6.   twenty-three

Write each number in standard form.
7.   1 ten
8.   10 + 100
9.   eighty-nine
10.   seven hundred nineteen
11.   100
12.   1 + 30

Write the value of .
13.   9 hundreds + 9 tens + ones = 996
14.   60 + = 69
15.   + 8 = 88
16.   600 + 80 + = 686


Key #2
aKey #2
Write the value of the underlined digit in words.
17.   0.14

18.   0.5

19.   0.8

20.   3.2

21.   78.11

22.   0.59

23.   0.7

24.   7.15

25.   64.2

Write the place and the value of the underlined digit.
26.   186
27.   680
28.   673
29.   91
30.   40
31.   694
32.   11
33.   56

Write the value of the underlined digit in words.
34.   41.4

35.   2.23

36.   4.1

37.   97.54

38.   7.99

39.   1.2

40.   12.5

41.   9.50

42.   5.8


Key #2
aKey #2
Write each number in standard form.
43.   thirty-seven hundredths

44.   six tenths

45.   three tenths

46.   eight and seven tenths

47.   fifty-one and fifty-eight hundredths

48.   forty-six hundredths

Write the value of .
49.   tens + 2 ones = 72
50.   + 6 = 56
51.   + 60 = 64
52.   3 ones + tens = 53

Write each decimal in words.
53.   0.66

54.   8.1

55.   0.91

56.   0.21

57.   99.5

58.   94.3

59.   7.5

60.   0.18

61.   0.84


Answer Key

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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Place Value
Math Worksheets