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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Order of Operations
Math Worksheets


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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________
Order of Operations
Fill in the missing numbers.

1.   * This is a pre-made sheet.
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   +    -  (   +    +    +    -    +   )  +    -     =  695
Use the numbers: 216, 55, 378, 53, 121, 1, 26, 8, 2, and 541
 (   -   )  +    +  (   -    +   )  -     =  369
Use the numbers: 339, 4, 35, 5, 7, 12, and 1
   +  (   +    -    +    -    -   )  +    -    +     =  583
Use the numbers: 34, 54, 4, 5, 787, 31, 1, 33, 188, and 2
   -    +    +    -    -    +    +    -     =  375
Use the numbers: 93, 4, 34, 485, 5, 21, 45, 4, and 196
   -    -    +    -  (   +    +    -   )   =  200
Use the numbers: 36, 1, 7, 27, 3, 414, 17, and 171
   -    +    +    -    +    -    -    +    +     =  1,325
Use the numbers: 927, 18, 504, 49, 1, 5, 55, 15, 2, and 3
 (   +   )  -  (   -    +    -    +    +    -   )   =  1,516
Use the numbers: 43, 25, 481, 913, 44, 312, 296, 458, and 2
 (   -   )  +  (   +    -    +    +    -   )   =  240
Use the numbers: 16, 5, 323, 5, 1, 73, 456, and 49
   -    +    -    -    +    +     =  636
Use the numbers: 646, 51, 197, 234, 2, 42, and 38
   +    -  (   -    -    +    +   )  +    +     =  1,066
Use the numbers: 89, 502, 231, 3, 1, 274, 4, 405, and 33
 (   +   )  +    +    -    +  (   -   )   =  101
Use the numbers: 25, 300, 99, 208, 47, 23, and 1
 (   -   )  -    -    +    -    +    +     =  229
Use the numbers: 527, 2, 1, 611, 3, 2, 109, and 42


Answer Key

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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Order of Operations
Math Worksheets