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Sample - Click above to make a new math worksheet (PDF).
Name _____________________________ |
Date ___________________ |
Order the objects from smallest capacity to greatest capacity. Write 1 next to the object with the smallest capacity. Write 3 next to the object with the greatest capacity.
1. |
* This is a pre-made sheet. Use the link at the top of the page for a printable page. |
Circle the container that holds less.
Circle the set which holds more.
Circle the set which holds less.
1. |
 or  |
Circle the set which holds less.
Circle the set which holds more.
Circle the set which holds less.
Circle the set which holds less.
Circle the set which holds more.
1. |
 or  |
Circle the two sets which hold the same amount. Each problem has four different sets.
Circle the two sets which hold the same amount. Each problem has four different sets.
Circle the two sets which hold the same amount. Each problem has four different sets.
Is the temperature hot or cold in the picture? Circle the answer.
Color the thermometer to show the temperature.
This is only a sample worksheet.