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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Middle School Math
Math Worksheets


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1.   Twenty-two less than a number is forty-eight. What is the number?
2.   956 exceeds nine times a number by 74. What is the number?
3.   A number minus 6.17 is 60.84. What is the number?
4.   Nineteen exceeds one-half of a number by 13. What is the number?
5.   10,000 and 1,000,000 added to three-fourths of a number equals 1,076,420. What is the number?
6.   The sum of thirty-three and twenty-four is eighteen more than a number. What is the number?
7.   If seven is added nineteen times to a number, the result is 137. What is the number?
8.   One-fourth of a number, decreased by 4 is 3. What is the number?
9.   The sum of twenty-one and negative thirty-nine is negative fifty-nine more than a number. What is the number?
10.   Negative five times a number is one hundred fifty. What is the number?
11.   3,224 and 8,094 added to the difference between 424 and half of a number is 11,594. What is the number?
12.   A number plus 46 is eighty-nine. What is the number?
13.   6.82 less than 11 times a number is 77.88. What is the number?
14.   Five more than two-fourths of a number equals 13. What is the number?
15.   * This is a pre-made sheet.
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16.   Twelve times a number, decreased by 57.9, equals 2.1. What is the number?
17.   If a number is decreased by 35, the result is 34. What is the number?
18.   The difference between 512 and half of a number is 285. What is the number?
19.   Ten times a number, decreased by ninety, equals twenty. What is the number?
20.   5,000 and 6,000,000 added to a number is 6,347,633. What is the number?
21.   82.33 more than 6 times a number is 165.73. What is the number?
22.   Negative nine times a number is negative three hundred fifteen. What is the number?
23.   * This is a pre-made sheet.
Use the link at the top of the page for a printable page.
24.   The sum of negative twenty and twenty is negative thirty more than a number. What is the number?
25.   8,142 and 5,591 added to the difference between 681 and half of a number is 14,214. What is the number?
26.   A number multiplied by -3 is 9.9. What is the number?


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   Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Middle School Math
Math Worksheets