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Name _____________________________
Date _______________

Shelby, Jennifer, Jonathan, Jose, Aaron, Morgan, and Jordan each wrote a report on a different planet (Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Neptune, Earth, and Pluto).

Figure out which planet each person studied.
(Assume Pluto is further from the sun than Neptune.)

1.    Earth is closer to the sun than Jennifer's planet.

2.    Jonathan's planet is further from the sun than Aaron's planet.

3.    Jonathan's planet is the fourth planet from the sun.

4.    Saturn is further from the sun than Jennifer's planet.

5.    Saturn is further from the sun than Aaron's planet.

6.    Jennifer's planet is further from the sun than Aaron's planet.

7.    Jordan's planet is the sixth planet from the sun.

8.    Jennifer's planet is the fifth planet from the sun.

9.    Shelby's planet is the first planet from the sun.

10.    Jonathan's planet is closer to the sun than Jennifer's planet.

11.    Mercury is closer to the sun than Jennifer's planet.

12.    Neptune is further from the sun than Jonathan's planet.

13.    Jupiter is further from the sun than Aaron's planet.

14.    Morgan's planet has rings.

15.    Jose has the smallest planet.

16.    Pluto is further from the sun than Aaron's planet.