Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Math Worksheets

Logarithm Worksheets

Logarithms, the inverse of the exponential function, are used in many areas of science, such as biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. When students have a solid foundation in logarithms, they are prepared for advanced science classes, and they can feel confident in any career choice. Use these practical and thorough worksheets to help your students get ready for scientific and math success! Customizable worksheets help make the worksheets adaptable to any classroom or student.

     Express exponential forms in logarithmic form
     Express logarithmic form in exponential form
     Determine the value of a log
     Solve for the unknown
     Express as a single logarithm
     Calculate value
     Solve for unknown (easier)
     Solve for unknown (more difficult)
     Solve for unknown using a calculator
     Solving Exponential Equations (common base)
     Solving Exponential Equations (lacking a common base)

Logarithm Word Problems
     Logarithm and Exponential Applications, Sheet #1
     Logarithm and Exponential Applications, Sheet #2
     Logarithm and Exponential Applications, Sheet #3
     Logarithm and Exponential Applications, Sheet #4
     Logarithm and Exponential Applications, Sheet #5
     Logarithm and Exponential Applications, Sheet #6
     Logarithm and Exponential Applications, Sheet #7
     Logarithm and Exponential Applications, A Mix Of Questions from Sheets #1-#7!

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