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Irregular Verbs
Circle the verb that best completes each sentence.

1.  As we attempted to dispel the crowd, the violence only got worse. Many people were arrested and (spend, spent) a night in jail.
2.  The decision to (hold, held) a special meeting was based on empirical data and, thus, was necessary.
3.  The witness' oblique response was (strike, struck) from the records for lack of substance.
4.  We deemed the speech offensive and asked the speaker to (leave, left) immediately.
5.  During his days on earth, Jesus had a retinue that longed to hear him (teach, taught) the truths of God.
6.  As we attempted to wrest the tablecloth off the table without disturbing the dishes, we did not yank hard enough and a couple of plates (fall, fell) on the floor.
7.  We allowed him to (speak, spoke) unchallenged in order to diffuse his temper.
8.  As the committee brainstormed about fundraising ideas, their initial thoughts (begin, began) to evolve into a masterful plan.
9.  My little sister's prattle is so annoying. I wish she would (say, said) something intelligent once in awhile.
10.  I didn't want my best friend to (know, knew) how hurt I was, so I acted nonchalant about being snubbed.
11.  The collegiate's incoherent protest speech (leave, left) the people scratching their heads.
12.  We (pay, paid) 167 sterling for the painting at the little store in London.
13.  I had to (throw, threw) away my old computer because it was no longer functional.
14.  Your bike will work much better on the long trip if you lubricate the chain with oil before you (begin, began).
15.  My little sister is gullible, so we are continuously pulling pranks on her to (see, saw) if she'll fall for another one.
16.  Lauren wreaked havoc on her cheerleading friends when she put a red powdered drink mix in the shower head, so that when they took a shower, the water would (come, came) out red.
17.  Christopher has amassed so many different kinds of rocks that I think we are going to have to (build, built) a shelf to display them.
18.  One theory for the early 1900's practice of binding the feet of Chinese girls was that it forced them to (grow, grew) up to be subservient housewives.
19.  She (give, gave) us so much homework that we felt the teacher was trying to oppress us.
20.  We can only hope that our peace plan will (bring, brought) about a cessation of violence in the Middle East.

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