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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________

Irregular Verbs
Circle the verb that best completes each sentence.

1.  We (leave, left) for vacation next Saturday.
2.  We (forget, forgot) to bring our lunches today.
3.  Even though the turtle was slow, he (win, won) the race.
4.  (Blow, Blew) out the candles and make a wish.
5.  Frank (feel, felt) silly when he fell on the ice.
6.  Dad's dentist, Dr. Baker, (speak, spoke) at our school yesterday.
7.  The spider (hang, hung) her web on the tree.
8.  In the (fall, fell) the elm tree is yellow and orange.
9.  If you have ever (meet, met) Mrs. Anderson, then you know how sweet she is.
10.  Jack (drive, drove) Betty to the movie, but he did not stay with her and her friends.
11.  The snake (steal, stole) the eggs from the nest.
12.  The wedding dress was (make, made) of fine silk.
13.  Mike (bite, bit) into the big red apple.
14.  Did you (forget, forgot) your homework?
15.  It is important to have clean hands when you (eat, ate).
16.  A fox will (steal, stole) a farmer's chickens.
17.  We are still going to the park, but we will not (leave, left) until noon.
18.  Please (tell, told) your brother hello for me.
19.  Dave wanted a (drink, drank) of water after the race.
20.  Pablo (run, ran) faster than John.

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