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Date ___________________

The Verb "To be"
Circle the form of the verb be that best completes each sentence.

1.  My sister, Hannah, (is, are, am) 12 years old.
2.  We should revise the rules because some of them (is, are, am) not clear.
3.  (Is, Are, Am) you going to the baseball game, Shelby?
4.  I (is, are, am) thankful for my family.
5.  I (is, are, am) the only son in my family.
6.  "I don't understand," proclaimed Betty, "why you (is, are, am) always rude to people."
7.  It (is, are, am) through his own merit that he got the promotion at his job.
8.  I can't read very well, but I (is, are, am) good at math.
9.  My favorite subject in school (is, are, am) Math.
10.  I have to buy new shoes because the old ones (is, are, am) tight.
11.  Where (is, are, am) your dogs?
12.  It (is, are, am) very quiet in the library.
13.  Our time (is, are, am) very precious so we should make sure we spend it wisely.
14.  I (is, are, am) too busy to spend time watching television.
15.  I do not like green beans, and I feel uneasy when I (is, are, am) made to eat them.
16.  We (is, are, am) fortunate to live in a free country.
17.  It (is, are, am) to your benefit to follow the rules.
18.  My older brother looks like a tower compared to me because I (is, are, am) so short.
19.  I (is, are, am) thinking about giving a necklace to my sister for her birthday.
20.  Four and two (is, are, am) six.

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