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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________

The Verb "To be"
Circle the form of the verb be that best completes each sentence.

1.  Please don't barge in when I (is, are, am) on the telephone.
2.  We (is, are, am) going to the pool after we ride our bikes.
3.  "We (is, are, am) going to have a guest speaker today," our teacher said.
4.  April Fool's Day (is, are, am) known for practical joking and celebrated on the first of April.
5.  I (is, are, am) required to read Great Expectations in the eighth grade.
6.  I (is, are, am) glad Mr. Mathews is our teacher this year.
7.  I (is, are, am) so excited about turning seven on my birthday.
8.  She (is, are, am) so angry with him she looks like she may wring his neck!
9.  Pine (is, are, am) a very soft wood and burns quickly.
10.  Providing that you study for the test, I (is, are, am) sure you will do well.
11.  The chipmunk (is, are, am) outside my window again.
12.  White elephants (is, are, am) rare.
13.  Generic brands (is, are, am) considered inferior to brand named products.
14.  What do you think the depreciation (is, are, am) on an old dirt bike?
15.  Some excuses (is, are, am) used so often they become banal.
16.  I can't read very well, but I (is, are, am) good at math.
17.  Katy's new baby brother (is, are, am) so precious and cute.
18.  The school rules (is, are, am) not negotiable.
19.  Many of you (is, are, am) a decade old.
20.  I (is, are, am) worried about my uncle, because he suffers from a chronic cough.

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