1. |
The apples will (verb) three baskets.

2. |
I (verb) my shin on our coffee table.

3. |
The other dog (verb) black with white spots.

4. |
Donny (verb) absent from school yesterday.

5. |
Dad (verb) a power drill to fix the door.

6. |
Since John (verb) the little boy, everyone looks at him as a hero.

7. |
Jordan will dress up (verb) a bat for Halloween.

8. |
I like vanilla ice cream, but my favorite flavor (verb) chocolate.

9. |
We do not (verb) enough desks for all the children.

10. |
I agree that we (verb) not waste food at the table.

11. |
I (verb) to listen to my radio at night.

12. |
My brother (verb) Chicka Chicka Boom Boom to read on the airplane.

13. |
Dasha (verb) to sit by someone else.

14. |
Johnny (verb) a blue sail on his boat.
