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Date ___________________


A verb tells what people or things do.
More generally, a verb tells the action a noun or pronoun does.

A geometric plane is a flat surface that continues in all directions.   is,continues
The drink is a blend of different flavors of juice.   is


In each sentence one verb is missing. Write a verb to complete the sentence.
1.  The farmer's yield of wheat  (your verb)  less this year than last year.

2.  Instead of helping me, they began to mock me when I  (your verb)  off the ladder.

3.  My father  (your verb)  hot coffee.

4.  We should never  (your verb)  to be someone that we are not.

5.  It  (your verb)  Jim when people have a casual attitude about something so important.

6.  Mary's emotions  (your verb)  very fragile.

7.  The judge held the lawyer in contempt of court for not  (your verb)  up on time.

8.  When Maria took piano lessons, she  (your verb)  to practice an hour each day.

9.  The director had each actor  (your verb)  the selection aloud at the audition.

10.  When the smoke alarm sounded, we  (your verb)  through the emergency exit.

11.  If the local grocery store wants more customers, they need to  (your verb)  their prices.

12.  The cruise ship  (your verb)  sail to Alaska's Northern Passage in July.

13.  Our crop of corn  (your verb)  doing very well this year.

14.  Moths can be very destructive to clothes  (your verb)  of wool.

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