1. |
It is not good to extinguish the dreams of young children. (2 verbs)

2. |
Dad missed the other car by an inch. (1 verb)

3. |
The brown dress she was wearing looked very drab on her. (3 verbs)

4. |
I read the newspaper in about two hours. (1 verb)

5. |
The region averages four intense tropical storms and two hurricanes per decade. (1 verb)

6. |
Moths can be very destructive to clothes made of wool. (3 verbs)

7. |
We deprive ourselves of rest when we stay up too late. (2 verbs)

8. |
A king's ring was a symbol of his authority in medieval times. (1 verb)

9. |
After launch, the spacecraft was visible just above the horizon. (1 verb)

10. |
Visitors to the United States are allowed to stay for a maximum of six months. (3 verbs)

11. |
Mike, Jeff and Tim followed the path to the top. (1 verb)

12. |
It is known that Mark had a wreck yesterday. (3 verbs)

13. |
Mr. Duncan took a trip to slay the largest alligator in the world. (2 verbs)

14. |
The entrance to the stadium is filled with sports fans. (2 verbs)
