1. |
| How soon do you want to go to the mall____ |
2. |
| Grass is green in the summer and brown in the winter____ |
3. |
| May said her dog didn't need a thing to eat____ |
4. |
| Tyler will take his kid brother to the circus____ |
5. |
| What did you say____ |
6. |
| Did you say something to me____ |
7. |
| Do you have dreams when you sleep____ |
8. |
| My grandmother gives me a hug every time she sees me____ |
9. |
| Can you tell time____ |
10. |
| Paul said he would give me his new book to read____ |
11. |
| The clowns made me laugh____ |
12. |
| Do you know how to ride a camel____ |
13. |
| Mac can jump on a skateboard____ |
14. |
| Do you like to have pizza for lunch____ |
15. |
| Jim will be in third grade next year____ |