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Inferences: Why?
Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
1.  The bees fly from flower to flower. The meadow is filled with buzzing. The bees return to the hive. Then they fly out into the meadow again. They are hard workers.

Why is the meadow filled with buzzing?

It's calling the birds home.

It is full of bees.

A breeze flows through the grass.

The sun is up.

Why do the bees seek flowers?

to make honey

to get married

to smell nice things

to find homes
2.  Muskie the Mutt walked along the roadway. He sniffed the ground. He tried to pick up a scent that would help him. He could not rely on his eyes. It was getting dark. He was really turned around this time. He was even a little scared.

Why might Muskie be scared?

True or false. We know that Muskie is lost in the woods.

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