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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________

Read each sentence. Mark the space for the answer that shows correct punctuation and capitalization for the underlined words.

1.  While the television was broken we played a lot of board games.
   Broken, We 
   broken we, 
   broken, we 
   Broken We 
   Correct as is 
2.  "He that loses wealth loses much," coined Miguel de Cervantes, "but he that loses courage loses all."
   cervantes, "but 
   Cervantes "but 
   Cervantes, "But, 
   Correct as is 
3.  My Father was born on June 16, 1949.
   My father, 
   My father 
   my father 
   My Father, 
   Correct as is 
4.  "Are there enough pencils for everyone?" Nathan asked.
   Everyone?" Nathan 
   everyone Nathan 
   everyone?" nathan 
   Correct as is 
5.  "why did you bring that stray dog home," my mam� asked, "when you know your pap� doesn't like animals in the house?"
   Correct as is 
6.  Many centuries ago most people thought the worlds' surface was flat, not round.
   Correct as is 
7.  Anthony wants to be a catholic priest.
   Catholic Priest. 
   Catholic priest? 
   Catholic priest. 
   Catholic, priest. 
   Correct as is 
8.  Please put a Band-Aid on Jonathan's cut.
   Correct as is 
9.  "You need to have your lines memorized by this Friday," said Mr. Nicholas, "so you'll be prepared for dress-rehearsal."
   Correct as is 
10.  We are going to the carnival in Shippensburg Saturday afternoon?
   Saturday, Afternoon. 
   Saturday afternoon. 
   saturday afternoon? 
   Saturday, afternoon. 
   Correct as is 

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