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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________

Read each sentence. Mark the space for the answer that shows correct punctuation and capitalization for the underlined words.

1.  Mother bought two boxes of PampersĀ® for Jessica's new baby sister.
   Baby, Sister. 
   Baby Sister. 
   Baby sister. 
   Correct as is 
2.  I have read Lord of the Rings, Shiloh, and, Onion John.
   Shiloh, And 
   Shiloh and 
   Shiloh, and 
   shiloh, and, 
   Correct as is 
3.  "that, jacket is not mine," Amanda said, "but it might belong to Rebecca."
   Correct as is 
4.  "Do you mind, asked David, "if I ride with you to the meeting?"
   Correct as is 
5.  Smiths ranch has about 30 horses on it.
   Correct as is 
6.  Jordan watches the Powerpuff Girls every day.
   Every day? 
   every, day. 
   Every, Day. 
   Correct as is 
7.  "I'm thankful the rain held off until the game was over" said, Stephanie to her teammate.
   Over," Said 
   over", said 
   over," said 
   over, said 
   Correct as is 
8.  Brandon and Connor will play football this year won't they?
   year, won't 
   Year, Won't 
   Year won't 
   , Year won't 
   Correct as is 
9.  "No man can lose what he never Had," said Izaak Walton.
   had," said 
   Had," said, 
   Had," Said 
   had said 
   Correct as is 
10.  "Where are your mittens?" Christina asked her little sister.
   Correct as is 

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