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   Sample edHelper.com - Parts of Speech Review Worksheet
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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________

Language Arts
In each sentence one verb is missing. Write a verb to complete the sentence.
1.  The morning  (your verb)  the promise of a new day.

2.  It  (your verb)  too warm outside to wear a coat.

3.  It  (your verb)  funny to see Miss Harris wearing glasses.

4.  We  (your verb)  in the sand at the beach.

Use each of the following nouns once to complete each sentence: Austin, Lil, knot and lizard.
5.   (noun)  needs to file these papers by date.

6.  Dad ties a  (noun)  in his tie.

7.  Jack found a  (noun)  under the log.

8.  After lunch  (noun)  felt sick.

Circle the correct word to complete each sentence.
9.  (That, Those) singer was very good in the school musical.
10.  (That, These) sheets do not fit my bed.
11.  (These, Those) monkeys on television are cute.
12.  Take (these, this) papers to the office.
13.  I ate (that, those) bacon for breakfast.
14.  (These, This) door doesn�t open properly.


Write the nouns in each sentence.
15.  The army went into the area to seize all of the weapons of the enemy. (4 nouns)

16.  Mother baked turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. (3 nouns)

17.  Baxter has to wrap a long bandage around his knee. (3 nouns)

18.  If I do not get my pants altered, they are going to drag the ground. (2 nouns)

Write the correct form of the adjective or adverb in parentheses to complete each sentence.
19.  In 1999, Jeff Gordon took the ____ hit of his racing career when he blew a right front tire and slammed into the Turn 4 wall. (hard)

20.  The 63,000 farms counted last year in a federal survey are the ____ since record keeping began a century ago. (few)

21.  He withdrew ____ into his dream world. (deep)


Circle the form of the verb be that best completes each sentence.
22.  Why (is, are, am) you using the big skillet when the smaller one would work just as well?
23.  Jarrett's house (is, are, am) west of mine.
24.  I (is, are, am) writing big letters so my great grandmother can read them.
25.  Fern (is, are, am) glad that she is in second grade.
26.  I like to stretch when I (is, are, am) yawning.

Write the plural form of each noun.
27.  lawn

28.  ripple

29.  brass

30.  loss

31.  letter

32.  dent

33.  grandfather

34.  sailor

35.  vine


Write whether the underlined word is a noun or a verb.

A valiant Boy Scout saved the little girl from drowning.

Jan can hardly wait to blossom into an adult.

We were finally able to isolate the problem and fix it.

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