1. |
I am very fond of our new (noun) .

2. |
(noun) likes to exercise three times a week.

3. |
The development of the railroad helped to move the American frontier farther (noun) .

4. |
The (noun) came down so hard that it crushed all the flowers I had planted.

5. |
The (noun) seemed to descend on us the whole morning.

6. |
Dad bought us (noun) from the store.

7. |
Bob showed a lack of concern for the driver of the other (noun) involved in the wreck.

8. |
(noun) of the area do not want a cell tower built near their homes.

9. |
Answers will vary on an (noun) because everyone does not choose the same topic to discuss.

10. |
My doctor said that I would be well within a (noun) of days.

11. |
Our team received a large (noun) for winning the baseball tournament.

12. |
It is not good to extinguish the (noun) of young children.

13. |
Mandy sees well during the daylight (noun) , but at night her vision is not very good.

14. |
There was a tragic auto accident on the (noun) involving a large truck.
