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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________


A noun is a word that names a person, a place, a thing, or an idea.

Jaguars and other forest cats silently stalk their prey.   Jaguars,cats,prey
Intense fires have deteriorated the land.   fires,land


In each sentence one noun is missing. Write a noun to complete the sentence.
1.  While  (your noun)  are seldom seen, their raspy voices are unmistakable.

2.  After  (your noun)  finished his solo, the acts that followed seemed dull.

3.  My headache was a  (your noun)  of the flu.

4.  The order for one hundred  (your noun)  was sufficient to clothe the choir.

5.  I need to know the sizes of the  (your noun)  so I can buy them new clothes.

6.  Mom will distribute the pie evenly between my  (your noun)  and myself.

7.  People said the initial  (your noun)  lasted anywhere from 10 seconds to one minute.

8.  J.R.R. Tolkien wrote the  (your noun)  Lord of the Rings that was later developed into a movie.

9.  We are going to complete the painting of our house this  (your noun) .

10.   (your noun)  bought me a new outfit for my birthday.

11.  I called my  (your noun)  to congratulate him on his new job.

12.   (your noun)  will erupt with heavy rain, gusty winds, large hail, and possible tornadoes.

13.  Running  (your noun)  for my mom will occupy most of my morning.

14.  I know how to ride my  (your noun) .

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