1. |
The vulture's talon helped him grab the little animal. (3 nouns)

2. |
Eugene made a drum from a big metal can. (3 nouns)

3. |
Edgar Allen Poe used the dreary clime of his imagination to great effect in his writing. (5 nouns)

4. |
My approach to training the dog was to be very patient and calm. (2 nouns)

5. |
I will finish my math work later. (1 noun)

6. |
It is essential that you care about other people's feelings. (2 nouns)

7. |
The wealth that accompanies economic development enables people to consume more. (3 nouns)

8. |
The climate in the mountains is cold and dry. (2 nouns)

9. |
I had a hard time getting the thread to go through the eye of the needle. (4 nouns)

10. |
We cannot afford to go to the movie until Dad gets paid on Friday. (3 nouns)

11. |
The passengers were transferred to buses to reach their final destination. (3 nouns)

12. |
The actors devote all of their time into learning their lines. (3 nouns)

13. |
The book had an emotional impact on the people who read it. (3 nouns)

14. |
The current officers of our club hew to the old constitution. (3 nouns)
