1. |

sounds of silence (title of a song) |
2. |

all the colors of the earth (title of a book) |
3. |

go fish (title of a book) |
4. |

harold and maude (title of a movie) |
5. |

peggy sue (title of a song) |
6. |

thunderbolt and lightfoot (title of a movie) |
7. |

ming lo moves the mountain (title of a book) |
8. |

in the year of the boar and jackie robinson (title of a book) |
9. |

star wars saga (title of a movie) |
10. |

i love rock 'n' roll (title of a song) |
11. |

don't worry be happy (title of a song) |
12. |

taxi driver (title of a movie) |
13. |

some smug slug (title of a book) |
14. |

who sank the boat? (title of a book) |