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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________

Capitalization Review
Circle each letter that should be capitalized.

1.  mel blanc, the voice of bugs bunny, died recently.
2.  traditional native american religious beliefs often seem strange to outsiders.
3.  my dad can make his voice sound like donald duck.
4.  he will work in the company's richmond, england office.
5.  there will be an election to fill the office of treasurer.
6.  "everything is just perfect at the moment," nancy said.
7.  kylie helped her mother prepare ham and potato salad for the picnic sunday.
8.  i don't know how to drive, or i'd get my license.
9.  "cameron," the manager said, "you are not doing a good job."
10.  taylor n. martinez will sing a solo at the concert on friday.
11.  carl perkins wrote "blue suede shoes" and elvis presley made it famous.
12.  "i saw a giraffe at the zoo," rebecca said. "he ate out of my hand."
13.  benjamin and brian got into a small skirmish over who would be first in line.
14.  her father likes to go fishing in the river.
15.  "are you my mother?" the baby bird asked. "i can't find her."
16.  stephane mallarme, a french poet, was the center of a literary group that gathered every tuesday.
17.  julia has an appointment with her dentist on august 24.
18.  mr. clarkson drinks only maxwell houseĀ® coffee.

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