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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________

Days of the Week

Capitalize the days of the week.

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

Dylan missed football practice Tuesday.
Most holidays are celebrated on Mondays.

Circle each letter that should be capitalized.
1.  abraham lincoln was elected as the 16th president on tuesday, november 6, 1860.
2.  scott turned in his project last tuesday.
3.  how would you like to plan a horseback riding trip for next thursday?
4.  i am going to meet with sara on tuesday to plan the surprise party for tim.
5.  julie held her birthday party last thursday.
6.  bill and kate are going to see a saturday matinee.
7.  the weatherman said we would have snow on thursday.
8.  the international red cross was founded on monday, august 22, 1864.
9.  our class will have a valentine's day party on friday.
10.  we should receive the package by thursday.
11.  will you be at home on wednesday?
12.  ryan's father worked 12 hours on monday.
13.  president george h.w. bush was born on a thursday in 1924.
14.  lawrence of arabia died on a friday in 1935.
15.  why is it that mondays always seem so difficult?
16.  on thursday, march 26, 1953, dr. jonas salk announced that he had successfully tested a vaccine against polio.
17.  savannah's mother starts her new job on thursday.
18.  we have a holiday on monday, but the teachers have to work.

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