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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________


Capitalize every word in a person's name.
Justin Lee, Victoria Young, Robert Clark, Rebecca Jones, Noah Brown, and Anna Thomas

Capitalize the middle initial in a person's name.
Austin B. Williams, Kaitlyn B. Harris, Matthew P. Rodriguez, and Brianna D. Anderson

I expect Sarah to tell me the truth about the accident.
Katherine and James are giving cookies to the children.

Rewrite each sentence correctly.
1.  it is too late to convince julia c. taylor not to go.

2.  nicole m. white was loaded with bliss when her name was called as the winner of the award.

3.  john and his class bought one share of stock in microsoft.

4.  chuck yager flew his airplane at the speed of sound.

5.  "the raven" is john's favorite edgar allen poe poem.

6.  amber and sierra rode the train to new york.

7.  katherine told us that october is national popcorn month!

8.  steven's grandfather took him to the beach.

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