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Name _____________________________
Date ___________________


Capitalize every word in a person's name.
Eric Hall, Stephanie Martin, Christopher Harris, Hailey Lewis, Justin Clark, and Victoria Taylor

Capitalize the middle initial in a person's name.
Caleb K. Jones, Alexandra G. Allen, Dylan M. Jackson, and Katherine B. Young

Hailey and James are in the car.
Does Ryan live on your street?

Circle each letter that should be capitalized.
1.  mackenzie and natalie will leave on their trip soon.
2.  did aaron e. johnsonbake these cupcakes?
3.  nathan and aaron are brothers.
4.  i shall not talk to michael c. robinson again!
5.  ryan and kyle rode the city bus to the pool.
6.  justin, connor and stephanie all ride the same bus.
7.  last week stephanie and taylor went to virginia.
8.  savannah and makayla rode the train to new york.
9.  matthew and emma rode horses at their grandfather's farm.
10.  olivia and john don't like spaghetti.
11.  jordan and grace wish they had long red hair.
12.  should robert call his mother before he goes home?
13.  does noah b. garcia have any writing paper?
14.  taylor went to madison's house after school.
15.  i can run faster than alexander, but he can jump higher.
16.  alexander and connor rode their bikes around the school.
17.  samuel can't run as fast as victoria.
18.  everyone laughed at kayla's joke.

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