1. |
It's rude to eavesdrop or listen in on another person's conversation.

2. |
The word extravagance means a tendency to spend too much money on things you don't need.

3. |
Our teacher told us the sign on his desk that says carpe diem means seize the day.

4. |
It is a good thing to be frugal which means not willing to spend much money.

5. |
The word arachnophobia means fear of spiders.

6. |
The word gesture means a movement of a body part made to help express a feeling or idea.

7. |
When you explain something verbatim it means you explain it exactly as it was said to you word for word.

8. |
The witness's story was bona fide meaning it was true.

9. |
Dord a word that Webster's Dictionary defines as density was never a word just an editor's mistake.

10. |
I hope you never run across a rogue person who is someone who is dishonest.
