1. |
He that loses wealth loses much coined Miguel de Cervantes but he that loses courage loses all.
2. |
Frogs Mr. Thompson told us are amphibians.
3. |
I've always wanted to go horseback riding Nicole told Natalie up in the mountains of Asheville where my cousins live.
4. |
The snow she whispered is so very beautiful.
5. |
When asked Brianna will your sister be getting her driver's license?
6. |
Men were born to succeed Henry David Thoreau declared not to fail.
7. |
My English teacher says I'm a good writer said Austin but I'm not so sure I agree.
8. |
I love cherry pie proclaimed Ashley but apple is still my favorite kind.
9. |
I think I'll go with you said Samantha so I can pick out my own shoes.
10. |
Hummingbirds' wings our teacher told us move so fast we can't really see them.