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You can use an apostrophe to show that someone or something owns something.
Add 's to make a word possessive:     John's spelling book is missing.
If a word already ends in s, you only need to add ':     James' spelling book is missing.

Rewrite each sentence. Add apostrophes where necessary to show a possessive word.
1.  How is Katherines grandmother?

2.  The trees leaves turned orange.

3.  Where are the zoos elephants?

4.  Eds tent was blown down by the wind.

5.  Justins shoelace is untied.

6.  My aunts house is in Maryland.

7.  These M&Ms are Jasmines.

8.  I left Moms purse on the table.

9.  The squirrels tail is long.

10.  My dads boss is a nice man.

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