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Word List
beta waves
cell body
cerebral cortex
cranial nerves
glial cells
motor nerves
myelin sheath
nerve signals
spinal cord


Match each definition with a word.

1.   brain waves of a thinking adult that occur at about 13 to 30 cycles/second

   beta waves   
2.   brain’s main relay station; means “inner room”

3.   control center of a cell

4.   two halves of the cerebrum

5.   12 pairs of peripheral nerves that branch out from the brain

6.   long cord of nerves running through the backbone; connects the brain with the rest of the body

7.   wrinkled part of the cerebrum made up of 10 to 14 billion neurons

8.   a shiny, white, insulating covering over some nerve fibers

9.   part of the brain that coordinates movements and balance

10.   the long, threadlike part of a neutron that transmits impulses away from the cell body

11.   central organ of the nervous system

12.   tiny pulses of electricity that move along a nerve fiber

13.   cells that support and nourish neurons

14.   main part of the nerve cell

15.   message transmitted along nerve cells

16.   nerves that carry messages from the brain to the muscles resulting in actions

17.   the thinking brain

18.   signal that prompts an action

19.   another name for the skull; it protects the brain

20.   threadlike branches of a neuron that carry impulses toward the cell body

21.   the covering over nerve fibers made up of living cells

22.   brain waves that occur in a newborn or a deep-sleeping adult; these occur at less than 4 cycles/second
