Top reading comprehensions with most references to Turkey
A Letter from Your Nervous Thanksgiving Turkey (Grade 6)
Roadkill Raptors: Turkey Vultures (Grade 7)
Happy Turkey Day (Grade 1)
Growing Wheat on the Great Plains (Grade 7)
George Shannon- Lost in the New World I (Grades 9-12)
Turkey, Turkey, Goose (Grade 4)
Kemal Atat�rk (Grades 8-10)
The Pilgrims' Real Thanksgiving Menu (Grade 6)
Why Do We Eat Turkey on Thanksgiving? (Grade 4)
Victory Day in Turkey (Grade 7)
The Cuban Missile Crisis (Grade 8)
Ukraine - History (Grade 8)
The Greeks - Makers of the World Wonders (Grades 8-10)
The First Thanksgiving, What Was It Really Like? (Grade 7)
The Cornucopia Mystery (Grade 7)
It's Not About the Turkey (Grade 5)
(Grades 3-5)
A Time Machine into the Past
(Grades 6-8)
Bass Reeves: First Black U.S. Deputy
Fame and Grandma Moses
Jean Craighead George: The Wonders of Nature
Kemal Atat�rk
William Bradford
(Grades 9-12)
Candace Cameron Bure
James Herriot - Beloved Author and Vet
Daily Themes
(no assigned grade level)
The Story of Scrooge
(Grades 3-5)
(Grades 6-8)
A New Tradition
Earthquake Mourning Day in Armenia
I'll Have What Sandwich is Having
Independence Day in Poland
It's Not Just for Your Teeth
Leaving Pleasantville
Rhiana Goes to the Mall
The Buzzards of Hinckley, Ohio
Tulips, Turkey, and Wooden Shoes
TV Dinner, Anyone?
Victory Day in Turkey
Who Was St. Nicholas?
(Grades 9-12)
Independence Day in Lebanon
Thanksgiving History
(no assigned grade level)
Ireland - Celts
Russia - Geography
(Grades 1-2)
Christmas Beside the Fireplace
Happy Turkey Day
The Pine Cone
Wylie the Wolf
(Grades 3-5)
Armenia - Geography
Art You Can Walk On - Mosaics
Artificial Christmas Trees
Bouncy Cranberries!
Brown Bagging it
How Is Thanksgiving Celebrated in Other Countries?
It's Not About the Turkey
Making a Calendar
Making a Calendar
Mikhail's Story: Change in Armenia
Pardon Me! A Thanksgiving Tradition
Samoset's Thanksgiving
Takeout Foods
Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving for the Dogs
Thawing Food Safely
The Indians and Thanksgiving
The Pilgrims� First Feast
The Smile That Traveled Around the World
Turkey, Turkey, Goose
Where's the Beef? Giant Meat Eaters
Why Do We Eat Turkey on Thanksgiving?
(Grades 6-8)
A Letter from Your Nervous Thanksgiving Turkey
Alexander the Great
An Eagle for an Emblem
Armenia - Culture: Aram Khachaturian
Armenia - History
Binge Eating Disorder
Bulgaria - Culture
Danny, Betsy, and Turkeys 4 America
Eating as an Athlete
From Mayflower to Massachusetts
Growing Wheat on the Great Plains
Hungary - Culture
Kathleen Karr
Mexican Moles
Native Americans of the Southeast Cultural Area
Reform in Armenia: Mikhail's Story
Roadkill Raptors: Turkey Vultures
Shadow Plays
Six Thanksgiving Myths
Temperate Rain Forests
Thanksgiving's Superhero: Sarah Hale
The Appalachian Mountains
The Cornucopia Mystery
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Fall of Constantinople
The First Thanksgiving
The First Thanksgiving, What Was It Really Like?
The Greeks - Makers of the World Wonders
The Ottoman Empire
The Peace Corps
The Pilgrims' Real Thanksgiving Menu
The President's Staff
The Roman Republic
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Trans-Asian Railway
Troy - Did It Really Exist?
Ukraine - History
What Is a Mosaic?
Where Are the Farm Animals Going?
Wholly Mole!
(Grades 9-12)
Attila the Hun
Bulgaria - History
Constantine the Great and Christianity
George Shannon- Lost in the New World I
George Shannon- Lost in the New World II
Georgia - History
Julius Caesar
Lebanon - History
Mesopotamia 101
The Break-up of the Roman Empire
The Cuban Missile Crisis
The Loss of Domestic Animals: A World Problem
The Mauryan Dynasty
The Sumerian Civilization
(no assigned grade level)
An East Coast Thanksgiving
Medieval Banquet
Mr. Frazoli's Deli
(Grades 6-8)