Top reading comprehensions with most references to Mississippi
The Mississippi River (Grade 6)
Bayous, Deltas, and Plains (Grade 6)
New Orleans (Grade 8)
Mound Bayou Angel (Grades 9-10)
James Meredith (Grade 9)
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (Grade 7)
Oseola McCarty: The Wisdom of a Washerwoman (Grade 6)
Stream Systems (Grade 6)
Battle of Vicksburg 1863 (Grades 9-10)
Ulysses S. Grant (Grade 6)
The Black Hawk Wars (Grade 9)
Jefferson Davis (Grade 9)
Discovery Begins (Grade 9)
Arkansas (Grade 6)
Hurricane Katrina, August 2005 (Grade 9)
(Grades 3-5)
A Singing Pirate
(Grades 6-8)
Bass Reeves: First Black U.S. Deputy
Carroll O'Connor
Iron Man of the NFL - Brett Favre
Jim Henson
Muddy Waters
Peyton Manning
Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Will Steger, Polar Adventurer
(Grades 9-12)
Benjamin Harrison
Jefferson Davis
Mound Bayou Angel
Sarah Walker
Daily Themes
(Grades 3-5)
Born to Play Football
Go Catfish
New Name Fun
The Muppet Man
(Grades 6-8)
Celebrating Black Poetry
Charles Lindbergh
Pemberton's Drink
(no assigned grade level)
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
The Sioux
The Space Needle
The Trail of Tears
Where it All Began � The Lewis and Clark Expedition
(Grades 3-5)
A Cycle without Wheels
Battle of New Orleans
Does Kentucky Really Have Blue Grass?
Flowing from a River Near You
French and English Explorers of America
Geographical Landforms
Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable - Father of Chicago
Lewis and Clark - Who Were They?
Lewis and Clark: A New World (Natural History)
Pearls of Wisdom
The Canine Heroes of 9-11
The French and Indian War
The Louisiana Purchase
Touring the United States Regions
Trail of Tears
Treaty of Ghent
(Grades 6-8)
"Old Hickory" Style � New Orleans Prepares for Battle
"You're Doing Fine, Oklahoma!"
A Brief History of North Dakota
Alabama is Born - Six Exclusive Interviews
Battling the Bitterroots: Mountain Battle
Bayous, Deltas, and Plains
Bernardo de Galvez - Friend of American Freedom
Buffalo Soldiers
Civil War Weapons
Confederate Flag Controversy
Cruising the South Atlantic Region
Deadwood, South Dakota: Legendary Black Hills Landmark
Dorothea Dix
Drafting the Confederate Constitution
Early History of the State of Alabama the Beautiful
Effigy Mounds National Monument
EWWW -- Gross Art: The Pike Place Gum Wall
Exploration - Lewis and Clark
Exploring North America - Its Water
From Rivers to Oceans
Geography of the Midwest Region
Half an Alligator � The Battle of New Orleans II
Idaho: The Gem State
Indian Removal Act
Indiana's Changing Landscape
Jack Hays, Texas Ranger
Jazz - All American Music
Jean Studies U.S. Geography
Jefferson Davis
John Deere
John Grisham - Author
Kansas Becomes a State
King George III
Madam C. J. Walker - From Rags to Riches
Manifest Destiny
Missouri's Journey to Statehood
Native Americans of the Northeast Cultural Area
Native Americans of the Southeast Cultural Area
Native Americans: The Plains Area
New Orleans
Nullification and Secession
Oklahoma's Path to Statehood
Oseola McCarty: The Wisdom of a Washerwoman
Robert Fulton and the Steamboat
Secession of the Southern States
Stream Systems
The Appalachian Mountains
The Birth of the Buckeye State: An Early History of Ohio and its Beginning
The Equal Rights Amendment
The French and Indian War
The Fur Trade in Wisconsin
The Legend of Casey Jones
The Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase
The Midwest
The Mississippi River
The Northwest Ordinance
The Northwest Ordinance
The Ojibwa
The Ojibwa
The Prairie Land
The South
The Space Needle: A Washington Landmark
The Thirteenth Amendment
The Tri-State Tornado of 1925
Thomas Jefferson
Tough Guy � Andrew Jackson and the Battle for the South
Treaty of Paris - The Revolutionary War is Over
Ulysses S. Grant
Walking in Their Footsteps: Tracing Maryland's Early Settlements
Watch Out, Here Comes a Horesless Carriage
Water, Water Everywhere: Furious Floods
What Did the Shawnee Believe?
Zachary Taylor
Zebulon Pike
(Grades 9-12)
America, At Whose Cost?
Battle of Shiloh
Battle of Vicksburg 1863
Cyrus McCormick
Discovery Begins
Exploring America's Great Rivers
Fort Snelling, Minnesota
Hurricane Katrina, August 2005
James Meredith
Lord Dunmore's War
Naval Changes in the War
Prelude to the French and Indian War
Regal Dirt
Results of the French and Indian War
Robert Kennedy
Say "Uncle!" � The Strange End of the War of 1812
The "Maine" Reason to Pick Your Teeth
The Black Hawk Wars
The Confederate Government
Tippecanoe, Tecumseh, and The Prophet � The Struggle for the Northwest
When the Earth Hiccups
(Grades 3-5)
Sea Serpents or Ancient Whales?
(Grades 6-8)
Alligator Snapping Turtle