Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources
Worksheets and No Prep Teaching Resources

Mexico Theme Unit

Mexico Map
     Mexico Outline Map

Plays:  Reader's Theater Scripts
     The Gecko and the Gray Wolf (Grades 3-4)

Short Reading Comprehensions
Very Quick Readers
     Meet Maya From Mexico (Very Quick Reader; Grade 3-5 Readability)

Reading Comprehensions
     Mexico (Grades 3-5)
     Paricutin, a Very Unusual Volcano (Grades 5-7)
     Mexico (Grades 6-8)
     Mexican Culture (Grades 6-8)
     Mexican Independence Day (Grades 7-8)

Mexico Math Stories Printables
     Mexico Math (Grades 3-4)
     Mexico Math (Grades 5-7)

            Famous Pyramids (Grades 5-6)

Mexico Story Starters
(for subscribers)      Mexico Story Starter Printables

Mexico Activity Puzzles and Printables

Mixed Mexico Puzzles
     Mixed Mexico Puzzles

Mexico Word Search
       Mexico Word Search

     Mexico Word Search with fill-in letters

Mexico Dot to Dot Word Search
       Mexico Dot to Dot Word Search

Mexico Curvy Words Puzzle
       Mexico Curvy Words

Mexico Word Search with Clues
       Mexico Word Search with Clues

Mexico Crossword Puzzle
       Mexico Crossword Puzzle (PDF and options)

     Mexico Crossword Puzzle (HTML; list of words on page)
     Mexico Crossword Puzzle (HTML)

Mexico Word Shapes
       Mexico Word Shapes (easier - one letter filled in)
     Mexico Word Shapes (fill in word shapes and also write the word)
     Mexico Word Shapes

Trace and Write Mexico Words
       Mexico trace and write words (easier)
     Mexico trace and write words
     Mexico trace and write words (missing letters)

Word Building
       Mexico Word Building Lesson

CodeWord Puzzle
       Mexico CodeWord Puzzle

Make Words From Mexico Words
       Mexico word building activity
     Mexico word building activity (with word search)

       Mexico syllables: connect the syllables
     Mexico syllables: form words from the syllables
     Mexico syllables: circle the correct division of syllables
     Mexico syllables: write the number of syllables and divide the word
     Mexico syllables: mixed review of syllables

Mexico Pronunciations Puzzles
     Mexico pronunciations: circle the correct spelling
     Mexico pronunciations: spell the word
     Mexico pronunciations: word search puzzle

More Mexico Puzzles
     Mexico fill in the words puzzle
     Mexico spelling maze
     Mexico crack the code
     Mexico unscramble the words
     Mexico circle the correct word
     Mexico fill in the missing letter
     Mexico fill in the missing vowels

Reading Comprehensions which use Mexico theme words
     Reading comprehensions with words from the Mexico theme word list

Mexico: Reading Comprehensions with References to Mexico
This section lists reading comprehensions on with references to Mexico. These may or may not actually be related to Mexico.

     Top reading comprehensions with most references to Mexico
     Mexican-American War (Grade 6)
     Antonio Santa Anna (Grade 6)
     Mexican Independence Day (Grade 6)
     How Mexico Got Its Name (Grade 6)
     Living in Mexico (Grade 6)
     Pancho Villa (Grades 9-12)
     Hernando Cortes (Grade 8)
     Guadalupe Day in Mexico (Grade 6)
     Sweets for the Sweet (Grade 6)
     Father Hidalgo (Grade 6)
     Languages of the Spanish World (Grade 9)
     From Colony to Independence (Grade 8)
     Celebrating Independence (Grade 7)
     Mexican Independence Day (Grade 6)

(Grades 6-8)
     Anne Morrow Lindbergh
     Davy Crockett
     Ed Yost, Father of Modern Hot Air Ballooning
     Ethnic Smorgasbord
     Judy Blume
     Langston Hughes
     Nellie Bly: A Pioneer for Women's Rights
     Pam Munoz Ryan--Ethnic Smorgasbord
     Samuel Langhorne Clemens
     Simon Bolivar
     The World's Favorite Cowboy
(Grades 9-12)
     Jefferson Davis
     Pancho Villa

Daily Themes
(Grades 3-5)
     "Only You Can Prevent Wildfires"
     Alita Becomes a Citizen
     Attic Full of Fun
     In 72 Days
     Swimming Star
     The "Lone Star" Is Not Lonely
     The Poinsettia Parade
     What Were Dragons?
(Grades 6-8)
     All Saints' Day
     Charles Lindbergh
     Guadalupe Day in Mexico
     Headstones from Long Ago
     January 6th - the Alternate Christmas
     Margaux Isaksen, Pentathlete
     Mexican Independence Day
     Special Journey, Special Day
     Taos and the Sundown Dance
     The Thrill of the Grill
     Three Kings Day
     United Nations Play
     Why Learn a Foreign Language

(no assigned grade level)
     America's Wealthiest Man
     Before Columbus
     Billy the Kid
     Egypt - Geography
     Florida Fishing
     Geronimo!�The Last Apache Warrior
     Kit Carson
     The Battle of San Jacinto
     What Ever Happened to Amelia Earhart?
(Grades 1-2)
     Garter Snakes
     He Said, He Said!
     The Boy Who Cried "Why"
     The Old Goat and the Idaho Potato
     Tres Ni�os
(Grades 3-5)
     A Farmer Without A Farm
     A Girl Named Claudia
     A Girl Named Claudia
     An E-mail from Hector the Hurricane
     Art on a Wall
     Beauty in Stillness
     Big Bend National Park
     Boy, Oh Buoyancy!
     Chicago is Unique Because of its People
     Chich�n Itz�
     Child Soldiers All Over the World
     Christmas Symbols (nonfiction)
     Did They Land Before Columbus?
     Easter around the World
     Flowing from a River Near You
     Franklin Pierce
     Gabriella Gets a Hearing Aide in Mexico
     Geographical Landforms
     Gila Monsters
     Green Snakes
     Hector Learns About Helpfulness on a Horse
     How Current is Your Current?
     I Am an Immigrant
     Immigrants All
     James K. Polk
     Keepers of the Peace
     Lisa for President
     Making a Calendar
     Making a Calendar
     Marco Splashes in Acid Rain
     Mariachi Festival
     Meet Maya From Mexico
     Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument
     Peter's Crazy Calendars
     Rachel Interviews Mandy
     Reasons for Regions
     Slavery in the West
     Texas Rangers
     The Birth of the Missions
     The Compromise of 1850
     The Lone Star Flag
     There's a Hummer in the Bathroom!
     Touring the United States Regions
     Trade and the World Marketplace
     Wall Scribbles
     Wendy's World- The International Fair
     Westward Ho!
     What Color Is Your Sand Castle?
     What is Cinco de Mayo?
     ~NAME2s~ Apple
(Grades 6-8)
     "Old Hickory" Style � New Orleans Prepares for Battle
     "You're Doing Fine, Oklahoma!"
     A Brief History of Cattle Brands
     A Day Without Immigrants
     A History of the Wild, Wild West
     A Revolver and a Showman
     A Whacky Good Time with Pi�atas
     Acid Rain, Go Away!
     Air Masses
     All About the Biathlon
     Anna Marie Jarvis: The Mother of Mother's Day
     Antonio Santa Anna
     Arizona - The True Wild, Wild West
     Autumn Migrations
     Aztec 101
     Battling the Bitterroots: Mountain Battle
     Bayous, Deltas, and Plains
     Bernardo de Galvez - Friend of American Freedom
     Birthday Traditions Around The World
     Boot Hill
     California Missions
     Carlsbad Caverns National Park
     Carlsbad Caverns
     Cave Diving
     Celebrating Independence
     Children's Day
     Chile - Culture: Pablo Neruda
     Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
     Country Clues - Settlers from European Countries
     Cruising the South Atlantic Region
     Cuyahoga Valley National Park
     Day of the Dead
     Desert Plants
     Dia de la Raza - Day of the Race
     Different Flavors of Spanish
     Do Not Stand Idly By
     Doughboys and Diggers
     Dry Tortugas National Park
     Economy of the West Region
     Elian Gonzalez
     Exploring North America - Its Water
     Exploring North America - The Landforms
     Father Hidalgo
     From Colony to Independence
     From Rivers to Oceans
     Gary Paulsen
     Geography of the Midwest Region
     Get Your Pictures Instantly
     Gray Whale Migration
     Halloween in Other Countries
     Hearing the Call to Help Deaf Children in Mexico
     Hernando Cortes
     Hispanic Heritage Month
     History of Mississippi
     Hoover Dam
     How Do Ants Build Colonies?
     How Does a Nor'easter Work?
     How Mexico Got Its Name
     Illegal Immigrants
     Isolation vs. Expansion - Background of America's War with Spain
     Jean Studies U.S. Geography
     John J. "Black Jack" Pershing
     Kathleen Karr
     Las Posadas
     Living in Mexico
     Making Sense from a Computer
     Manhattan Project
     Manifest Destiny
     Maya 101
     Mesa Verde National Park
     Meteors, Meteoroids, and Meteorites
     Mexican Immigration
     Mexican Independence Day
     Mexican Moles
     Mexican-American War
     Mexico's Rainforest
     Missing Childhood: The Plight of Child Soldiers
     Monarchs on the Move: A Southern Migration
     Mountain Biomes
     Native American Dolls
     Native American Pottery
     Native Americans of the Southeast Cultural Area
     Native Americans of the Southwest Cultural Area
     Nellie Bly - First Female War Correspondent
     New Orleans
     New World Heritage Sites
     North America
     Olmec 101
     Outlines for Better Reports
     Paricutin, a Very Unusual Volcano
     Passing Plates II - Who's Fault?
     Paul Fleischman
     Plateaus and Erosional Mountains
     Pride for Mexico
     Protesting the Iraq War
     Ralph Bunche
     Red-Eyed Tree Frogs
     Road Trip: Arizona Style!
     Robert Fulton and the Steamboat
     Six Flags Over Texas
     Six Flags Over Texas
     Stream Systems
     Sweets for the Sweet
     Tecumseh and the Native American Alliance
     The 1993 Storm of the Century
     The Alamo
     The Battle to Create a State: Arizona
     The Brown Pelican
     The Brown Pelican
     The Dust Bowl
     The Dust Bowl
     The History of Red Ribbon Week
     The History of the Bear Flag of California
     The Invention of Chewing Gum
     The Louisiana Purchase
     The Louisiana Purchase
     The Midwest
     The Mississippi River
     The Navajo People
     The Northwest Ordinance
     The Olympic Torch Relay
     The Polaroid Camera
     The Rocky Mountains
     The Rodeo
     The South
     The Tri-State Tornado of 1925
     The United States Enters World War I
     The Ute People
     The Wolf
     The Wonderful World of Taxes
     They Reached for the Stars and Became One
     Tough Guy � Andrew Jackson and the Battle for the South
     Tradition Meets Culture
     Tying the Knot in Mexico
     Ulysses S. Grant
     Unicellular Organisms
     United States Border Patrol
     Voices of the West - Nat Love
     Volcanic Hot Spots
     Weather Fronts
     West to Freedom - African American Pioneers
     West to Freedom - Nat Love and Bill Pickett
     What Does Hispanic Mean?
     What Goes Into Real Mexican Food?
     What Is a Mural?
     What to Wear in Mexico
     Where Do Hispanic People Come From?
     White Sands National Monument
     Who Thought Up This Food?
     Who Were the First Immigrants in America?
     Who's Up For Some Fun?
     Why Do Immigrants Come Here?
     Why Do Immigrants Come to the United States Today?
     Wrap Up a Tamale
     Writing on the Wall
     �Es El Cinco de Mayo! - It's Cinco de Mayo!
(Grades 9-12)
     Bootleggers, Rumrunners, and Moonshine - The Business of Prohibition
     Compromises of 1820 and 1850
     Customs Officials
     Discovery Begins
     Earth During the Mesozoic Era
     Exploring America's Great Rivers
     Fort Sumner, New Mexico: The Bosque Redondo Reservation Experiment
     Hurricane Katrina, August 2005
     Immigration and the United States Economy
     John Steinbeck
     Languages of the Spanish World
     No Ordinary Day - 9/11 Hero Noel Sepulveda
     Presidents, Kings, Dictators
     Pueblo Revolt
     Rails across America - The Beginning
     Sor Juana In�s de la Cruz
     Stephen Crane
     The Final Blow
     The Navajo Wars
     The Ute Wars
     Trade and Its Global Effect
     United States Immigration Laws 1960-2001
     United States Immigration Laws in the 18th and 19th Centuries
     York: Explorer/Slave

(no assigned grade level)
     Gila Monsters
(Grades 6-8)
     Blue-Footed Booby - Introduction
     Blue-Footed Booby
     Desert Animals
     Leatherback Turtles
     Prairie Dogs
     Worm Lizards
(Grades 9-12)
     American Bison
     Monarch Butterflies

Teacher Recommendations:  Worksheet and Lesson Plan Activity Ideas

50 States
     50 States Printables - United States

     Math Worksheets and Math Printables

     Money Worksheets

Solar System
     Solar System and Planets


     Science Theme Units


Word Search
     Make Word Search Puzzles


     Time Worksheets

Social Studies
     Social Studies Theme Units

     Community Maps


  Word Roots - Prefixes, Greek and Latin Roots
  Civil War
  Handwriting Worksheets and Handwriting Based Activities
  Ancient China
  Reading Comprehension Skills
  Spelling Words
  Make a Crossword Puzzle
  Mathematical Sequences and Number Patterns
  English Worksheets - Language Arts and Grammar Lesson Plans
  Space and Stars
  Context Clues Printables
  Geometry Worksheets
  Phonics - Printable Books, Worksheets, and Lesson Plans
  Poetry Units
  Logic Shapes: Critical Thinking Puzzles
  Book Report Forms
  Reading Comprehension Stories and Worksheets
  South America
  Make Printable Puzzles: Word Searches, Crossword Puzzles, and Critical Thinking

More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

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