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Return to 50 States Theme Unit

Idaho Theme Unit

Questions, Facts, and "Who am I?" for the state of Idaho
     State of Idaho Mixed Review: fill-in questions, "Who am I", facts, and writing prompts (multiple keys)

Short Reading Comprehensions
Very Quick Readers
     Craters of the Moon National Monument (Very Quick Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability)

Short Readers
     Craters of the Moon National Monument (Short Reader; Grades 4-6 Readability)

Reading Comprehensions
     The Seal of Approval (Grades 3-4)
     The Little Snout (Grades 3-5)
     Idaho: The Gem State (Grades 4-6)
     A Little Planning Makes All the Difference (Grades 5-7)
     The American Appaloosa: State Horse of Idaho (Grades 7-9)

Idaho Maze
Build Idaho maze - Make multiple mazes at once

State of Idaho Theme - Math Stories
     Idaho Math (Grades 2-3)
     Idaho Math (Grades 4-6)

            ID is for Idaho (Grades 4-6)

State of Idaho Theme - Story Starters
     Idaho Story Starter Printables

State of Idaho Theme
     Location of Idaho in the United States Printable and Information

State of Idaho Theme Time Line
     Idaho Time Line #1 (15 events in time line)

Cities in Idaho Activity Puzzles and Printables

Cities in Idaho Word Search
       Cities in Idaho Word Search

     Cities in Idaho Word Search with fill-in letters

Cities in Idaho Dot to Dot Word Search
       Cities in Idaho Dot to Dot Word Search

Cities in Idaho Curvy Words Puzzle
       Cities in Idaho Curvy Words

Cities in Idaho Word Shapes
       Cities in Idaho Word Shapes (easier - one letter filled in)
     Cities in Idaho Word Shapes (fill in word shapes and also write the word)
     Cities in Idaho Word Shapes

Word Building
       Cities in Idaho Word Building Lesson

CodeWord Puzzle
       Cities in Idaho CodeWord Puzzle

Make Words From Cities in Idaho Words
       Cities in Idaho word building activity
     Cities in Idaho word building activity (with word search)

       Cities in Idaho syllables: connect the syllables
     Cities in Idaho syllables: form words from the syllables
     Cities in Idaho syllables: circle the correct division of syllables
     Cities in Idaho syllables: write the number of syllables and divide the word
     Cities in Idaho syllables: mixed review of syllables

Cities in Idaho Pronunciations Puzzles
     Cities in Idaho pronunciations: circle the correct spelling
     Cities in Idaho pronunciations: spell the word
     Cities in Idaho pronunciations: word search puzzle

More Cities in Idaho Puzzles
     Cities in Idaho fill in the words puzzle
     Cities in Idaho spelling maze
     Cities in Idaho crack the code
     Cities in Idaho unscramble the words
     Cities in Idaho circle the correct word
     Cities in Idaho fill in the missing letter
     Cities in Idaho fill in the missing vowels

Reading Comprehensions which use Cities in Idaho theme words
     Reading comprehensions with words from the Cities in Idaho theme word list

Idaho Activity Puzzles and Printables

Idaho Word Search
       Idaho Word Search

     Idaho Word Search with fill-in letters

Idaho Dot to Dot Word Search
       Idaho Dot to Dot Word Search

Idaho Curvy Words Puzzle
       Idaho Curvy Words

Idaho Word Shapes
       Idaho Word Shapes (easier - one letter filled in)
     Idaho Word Shapes (fill in word shapes and also write the word)
     Idaho Word Shapes

Word Building
       Idaho Word Building Lesson

CodeWord Puzzle
       Idaho CodeWord Puzzle

Make Words From Idaho Words
       Idaho word building activity
     Idaho word building activity (with word search)

       Idaho syllables: connect the syllables
     Idaho syllables: form words from the syllables
     Idaho syllables: circle the correct division of syllables
     Idaho syllables: write the number of syllables and divide the word
     Idaho syllables: mixed review of syllables

Idaho Pronunciations Puzzles
     Idaho pronunciations: circle the correct spelling
     Idaho pronunciations: spell the word
     Idaho pronunciations: word search puzzle

More Idaho Puzzles
     Idaho fill in the words puzzle
     Idaho spelling maze
     Idaho crack the code
     Idaho unscramble the words
     Idaho circle the correct word
     Idaho fill in the missing letter
     Idaho fill in the missing vowels

Reading Comprehensions which use Idaho theme words
     Reading comprehensions with words from the Idaho theme word list

Idaho: Reading Comprehensions with References to Idaho
This section lists reading comprehensions on with references to the state of Idaho. These reading comprehensions were not written specifically for the state theme unit.

     Top reading comprehensions with most references to Idaho
     The Big Burn of 1910 (Grade 7)
     The Old Goat and the Idaho Potato (Grade 2)
     The Nez Perce War (Grade 9)
     The American Appaloosa: State Horse of Idaho (Grade 9)
     Sharon Creech (Grade 9)
     Alaskan Maverick (Grade 8)
     Sacagawea: Teen Pioneer (Grade 8)
     Sacagawea: Teen Pioneer (Grade 8)
     "I Will Fight No More Forever"- Chief Joseph (Grade 8)
     Lewis and Clark: Meeting the First Settlers (Native Americans) (Grade 6)
     Oregon National Historic Trail (Grade 5)
     Not Just a Geek (Grade 2)
     Springtime Trail Ride
     Picabo Street, the Downhill Dynamo (Grade 7)

(Grades 6-8)
     Alaskan Maverick
     Broken Bone Champion - Evel Knievel
     The Big Burn of 1910
(Grades 9-12)
     Benjamin Harrison

Daily Themes
(Grades 1-2)
     Not Just a Geek
(Grades 3-5)
     Glacier National Park
(Grades 6-8)
     Cowboy Poetry
     Who's Doing the Driving?

(no assigned grade level)
     Are You Eating My Wheat?
     Driving in the Big Sky
     Springtime Trail Ride
     Working Cattle on the Lucky Seven Ranch
(Grades 1-2)
     The Old Goat and the Idaho Potato
(Grades 3-5)
     A Presidential Project - Mt. Rushmore
     Hardscrabble Christmas I
     Keith Interviews Carla Condor
     Olympic Alpine Skiing
     Oregon National Historic Trail
     Touring the United States Regions
     Who Was Sacagawea?
     Yellowstone National Park
(Grades 6-8)
     "I Will Fight No More Forever"- Chief Joseph
     Battling the Bitterroots: Mountain Battle
     Boot Hill
     Chief Joseph Surrenders
     Children of Japanese Relocation Camps
     Craters of the Moon National Monument
     Economy of the West Region
     Great Basin National Park
     Jean Studies U.S. Geography
     Kathleen Karr
     Lewis and Clark: Meeting the First Settlers (Native Americans)
     Picabo Street, the Downhill Dynamo
     Plateaus and Erosional Mountains
     Sacagawea: Teen Pioneer
     Sacagawea: Teen Pioneer
     The Nez Perce People
     The Nez Perce People
     The Road to Statehood
     Unsolved Mystery - Bigfoot
     Women as Citizens
(Grades 9-12)
     Autumn Across America
     Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins: Native American Author and Educator
     Sharon Creech
     The American Appaloosa: State Horse of Idaho
     The Nez Perce War

Teacher Recommendations:  Worksheet and Lesson Plan Activity Ideas

50 States
     50 States Printables - United States

Graphic Organizers
     Graphic Organizers Printables - Print them


Word Search
     Make Word Search Puzzles

     Geometry Worksheets

     Math Worksheets and Math Printables

Context Clues
     Context Clues Printables


Cause And Effect
     Reading Comprehension Skills

     Time Worksheets


     Handwriting Worksheets and Handwriting Based Activities

     Word Roots - Prefixes, Greek and Latin Roots

  Mathematical Sequences and Number Patterns
  Poetry Units
  United States Presidents
  Solar System and Planets
  Make a Crossword Puzzle
  Make and Print SUDOKU Puzzles! (makes a PDF file)
  Test Prep Materials - Grade 2
  Time And Seasons
  Middle School Math and Pre-Algebra: Printables and Worksheets
  Create a Word Wall
  Special Education: Social Skills

More Activities, Lesson Plans, and Worksheets

Back to School
Graphic Organizers
Alphabet Worksheets
Sight Words
Math Worksheets
50 States

Monthly Themes

Place Value
Time and Calendar
Earth Day
Solar System
Following Directions
Cursive Writing
Patterns and Sequencing
All About Me

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade

Main Idea
Cause and Effect
Order of Operations
Community Helpers
Addition and Subtraction
Bulletin Board Ideas
Word Searches
Crossword Puzzles
Printable Puzzles

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