Top reading comprehensions with most references to China
Dr. Sun Yat-sen (Grade 6)
The Great Wall of China (Grade 7)
Keith Interviews Mei, the Giant Panda (Grade 3)
Lin Zexu and First Opium War (Grade 9)
The History of Taoism (Grades 9-12)
Life in China's Cancer Villages (Grade 6)
Zhang Qian & The Silk Road (Grades 8-12)
Controversy at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Torch Relay (Grade 8)
Special Administration Region Day in Hong Kong (Grade 6)
The Never-Ending War (Grade 8)
Beijing's Preparation for the 2008 Olympics (Grade 8)
The Chinese Exclusion Act (Grade 8)
China United (Grade 8)
Liang in a Chinese Cancer Village (Grade 3)
(Grades 3-5)
Lonely Traveler
(Grades 6-8)
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Christopher Columbus
Dr. Sun Yat-sen
Emperor Meiji
Genghis Khan
Hattie McDaniel
Herg� and The Adventures of Tintin
Magical Dreams
Marco Polo
The Brothers Grimm
(Grades 9-12)
Dara Torres, Olympic Swimmer
Ibn Battuta
James A. Michener, the Born Storyteller
Nicholas Roerich
Daily Themes
(Grades 1-2)
A Day to be Free
I Didn't Know That!
(Grades 3-5)
Happy Holiday Ethiopia!
Hey, Yo-yo!
How Sweet It Is
In the Red!
Porric the Penguin
What Were Dragons?
(Grades 6-8)
A Visit to a Tea Room
Confucius day
Day of Trees in South Korea
Dragons of the World
Happiness is a Fortune Cookie
History of Pi
Independence Day in Jamaica
Let Me Count the Ways
Margaux Isaksen, Pentathlete
Republic Day in Pakistan
Special Administration Region Day in Hong Kong
The Edible Cup
The World of Reiki
Top Ten Facts about Thornton Wilder
United Nations Play
(Grades 9-12)
Veteran's Day
(no assigned grade level)
Chinese Culture
Chinese Fable: Chinese Zodiac
Fifteen Days of the Chinese New Year
It's About Time
Malaysia - Geography
Malaysia - History
Malaysia - Traditions and Daily life
Russia - Geography
The Nuts & Bolts of Light Bulbs
(Grades 1-2)
Canada's Prairie Farmers
(Grades 3-5)
A Changing Workforce
A Hairy Invader
A Musical Pet
A Tale of Two Grandmas
Angel Island
Boats & Great Sea Explorers
Canada in World War II
Cariboo Gold
Chicago is Unique Because of its People
Coming to Canada
Continents and Oceans
Crystal's Way
Early Slave Trade
Finding Canada
French and English Explorers of America
Jake and Jackie Set a Table
Keith and the Tiger Tragedy
Keith Interviews Mei, the Giant Panda
Liang in a Chinese Cancer Village
Madagascar - Geography
Mongolia - Geography
Nepal - Geography
Nuwa Fixed The Sky
Olympic Food: Feeding the Athletes
Past Lessons
Po's New Year
Producing and Supplying Electricity: Garden of Amps
Putting Rocks to Work
Short Track Speed Skating
Skating the Fast Track
Spanish Explorers of America
Thailand - Geography
The Giant Panda
The Great Wall of China
Up, Up and Away!
Vietnam - Geography
Wendy's World- The International Fair
What Is an Olympic Village?
What Is Geography?
What Makes Wind?
(Grades 6-8)
"Fore" - The History of Golf
"Shanghai Tunnels"
2000 Summer Olympics
A Whacky Good Time with Pi�atas
Adopting Your Own Cabbage Patch Kid
Amerigo Vespucci
An Army for the Dead
Beijing's Preparation for the 2008 Olympics
Bird Flu
Birthday Traditions Around The World
Cariboo Gold
Celebrating Independence
Chilling Out with Ice Sculptures
China United
Chinese History 101
Chinese Immigrants and the California Gold Rush
Chinese Inventions - Compass & Gunpowder
Chinese Inventions - Paper & Movable Type Printing
Chinese Kung Fu
Conflict Over the Three Gorges Dam
Controversy at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Torch Relay
Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?
Early English Explorers: Frobisher and Davis
Ellis Island of the West - Angel Island
En Garde!
Explorers for Holland
Extreme Dinosaurs
Fame Can Be Found in Many Ways
From Colony to Independence
Germany - Culture (Johann Gutenberg)
Giovanni da Verrazano
Growing Up in the White House
Growing Up in the White House
Growing Up in the White House
H. G. Wells
Halloween in Other Countries
Helen Taft
Henry Hudson
Hornpipes and Pibgorns
How Do Frogs Croak?
How Windmills Work
Human Geography
Indian Food and a Short History of Spices
Indonesia - Culture
Inventors of the Wheel
Is It Mintonette or Volleyball?
Is It Table Tennis or Ping Pong?
John Christopher
Karl Marx
Katherine Paterson
Korea - How the Cold War Got Hot
Landslides: On the Road of Destruction
Las Posadas
Lead in Toys: Mrs. Cooney Worries
Leader of the Free World
Lee Chew - Chinese-American
Li Bing and Dujianyan
Life in China's Cancer Villages
Life with a Dog
Life with a Pot-bellied Pig
Life with Frogs and Toads
Lou Hoover
Making the Mark with Archery
Mongolia - History
More Gross but Edible Foods
Mountain Biking and Unicycling
Mrs. Cooney Worries about Lead in Toys
Nepal - Culture
North America
Nuclear Testing in North Korea
Olympic Cycling
Olympic Express
Pearl S. Buck
Poets of the Harlem Renaissance
Qing - China's Last Dynasty
Qing Ming Festival
Reading and Writing in the Renaissance
Religions in China
Resources from the Land
Science and Technology in Ancient India
Shadow Plays
Siberian Tigers
Sima Qian
Skeet Shooting
Sun Wu
The Boxer Rebellion
The Chinese Exclusion Act
The Collapse of Communism
The Great Wall of China
The Iraq War
The Iron Curtain
The Korean War
The Kyoto Treaty
The Lost Titanic Is Found
The Louisiana Purchase
The Never-Ending War
The Olympic Torch Relay
The Red Scare
The Secret of Silk
The Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918
The World's Most Endangered Animals
Through the Golden Door-Immigration in the 1890s, Pt. 2
Track and Field Beijing Olympics 2008
Trade Restrictions
Trans-Asian Railway
Twelve Girls Band
Water, Water Everywhere: Furious Floods
What Is Buddhism?
What Is Embroidery?
What Is Judaism?
What Is Pottery?
What Is Religion?
What is Taoism?
What Is Tibetan Buddhism?
What to Wear in Mexico
When is a War Not a War?
Where Are the Farm Animals Going?
Who Invented Paper?
Why Do Immigrants Come to the United States Today?
Why Do People Immigrate?
Wu Zetian
Yearning to Breathe Free-Immigration in the 1890s, Pt. 1
You Switch, We Deliver?
Zhang Qian & The Silk Road
�Es El Cinco de Mayo! - It's Cinco de Mayo!
(Grades 9-12)
Arctic Explorers
Arthur Miller
Boomers and Bomb Shelters - The Nifty Fifties
Boomers and Bomb Shelters - The Nifty Fifties
Calendars and Religion
Campaign Changes - 1960
Classy Chinese Characters
Earth During the Early Paleozoic Era
Earth's Oldest Animals?
Earthquakes and Our Society
Johannes Gutenberg
Kim Il-Sung
Kim Il-Sung
Lao Tzu
Libraries:The Memory of Mankind
Lin Zexu and First Opium War
Maya Lin
Nepal - History
Nonrenewable Resources - Fossil Fuels
Pakistan - History
Pearl Harbor
Politics in the 90's - The Clinton Years
Presidents, Kings, Dictators
Religion and Charities
Richard Nixon - The End of a Decade
Shani Davis, Around the World on Two Blades
Suriname - History
The "Blast Off" Engineers
The "Maine" Reason to Pick Your Teeth
The Beginning of War in Japan
The DMZ - A Dragon is Born
The Filipinos in Alaska
The History of Buddhism
The History of Taoism
The Loss of Domestic Animals: A World Problem
The Mauryan Dynasty
The Romans in Britain: Hadrian's Wall
The Sumerian Civilization
The United Nations Becomes a Reality
Thornton Wilder
United States Immigration Laws 1900-1960
Vietnam - History
What is Religion?
(no assigned grade level)
Breakfast at Tiffany's
(Grades 9-12)
Cracks in the Wall
Mrs. Little's Discovery
(Grades 6-8)
Giant Pandas
Japanese Cranes
Rain Forests are Amazing!
(Grades 9-12)
Animal Classification