Top reading comprehensions with most references to California
The History of the Bear Flag of California (Grade 8)
California Condors (Grade 8)
John Steinbeck (Grades 9-12)
Keith Interviews Carla Condor (Grade 3)
Economy of the West Region (Grade 6)
The Gold Rush (Grade 5)
Chinese Immigrants and the California Gold Rush (Grade 8)
Jason Earns His Wings (Grade 5)
The Golden State (Grade 3)
California Condors (Grade 6)
Pam Munoz Ryan--Ethnic Smorgasbord (Grade 6)
Ethnic Smorgasbord (Grade 6)
Surrounded by Fame - Maria Shriver (Grade 9)
The History of Red Ribbon Week (Grade 8)
Richard Nixon - The End of a Decade (Grade 9)
(Grades 3-5)
"Louis, the Yard Teacher"
Lemony Snicket's Handler
Listen to the Old Ones
Scott O'Dell-Stories From...
That's Life, Charlie Brown - The Story of Charles Schulz
Written Story-Telling
(Grades 6-8)
Arnold Lobel
Babe Didrikson Zaharias
Blowin' Down That Old Dusty Road
Carroll O'Connor
Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Desi Arnaz
Ed Yost, Father of Modern Hot Air Ballooning
Ellen Lauri Ochoa: World's First Hispanic Woman Astronaut
Ethnic Smorgasbord
Eve Bunting, Author
Evelyn Ashford
Gary Paulsen
Gennifer Choldenko: Billboard For a Book
Hattie McDaniel
James Pierson Beckwourth
Jimmie Johnson, NASCAR Driver
Julia Child
Kristi Yamaguchi
Levi Strauss and Blue Jeans
Lois Lowry
Luis Walter Alvarez
Marlon Brando
Mel Blanc - the Man with 1,000 Voices
Nolan Ryan
Pam Munoz Ryan--Ethnic Smorgasbord
Pete Fountain
Robert Louis Stevenson
Ronald Reagan
Sarah Vaughn: The Divine One
Shirley Temple
Slim Pickens
Steve Fossett: American Adventurer
Taking the World by Storm
The Life of Peggy Fleming
The World's Favorite Cowboy
Tom Brady
Tracy Austin
Walt Disney
(Grades 9-12)
Condoleezza Rice
Dr. Mae Jemison: A True Explorer
Eldridge Cleaver
George W. G. Ferris
Kofi Annan
Maria Tallchief - The Light of Two Worlds
Michael J. Fox - A Lucky Man
Michelle Kwan
Pablo Picasso, the Inventor of Cubism
Scott Carpenter
Surrounded by Fame - Maria Shriver
Tiger Woods
Daily Themes
(Grades 1-2)
The New Girl
(Grades 3-5)
"Texas Rose"
Best Friends
Blasted Off Twice
Don�t Blow the Record!
Full of Dreams
Hot! Hot! Hot!
It's Not Easy Being Green
Johnny Unitas
Klondike Miners
May the Force Be With You
Mickey Mouse's Birthday!
Mr. "Spruce Goose"
Mr. McDonald's
Out In Front
Purple Pup
Ramon = Nomar
Stormin' Norman
Swimming Star
The Golden State
What Did You Say?
(Grades 6-8)
American Modern Dance
Flying Disc Fun
Gold Rush!
Jeff Gordon
Navajo Code Talkers
Occupation: Funmaker � Steven Spielberg
Republic Day in Pakistan
Special Journey, Special Day
Swallows Return To Capistrano
Who Invented Lollipops?
(Grades 9-12)
America's Number One Snack
(no assigned grade level)
Jackie Robinson
Kit Carson
Nigeria - Geography
Plate Tectonics
The Eruption of Mount St. Helens
Walt Disney � The Great Animator
What Ever Happened to Amelia Earhart?
Woman of Flight -- Amelia Earhart
(Grades 1-2)
Wylie the Wolf
(Grades 3-5)
Among Gorillas
An E-mail from Foster Fog
Angel Island
Beverly Cleary
Big, Black Blizzards!
Biomes and Ecosystems
Blue Whales
Blue-Footed Boobies
Cariboo Gold
Chocolate Chip Cookie Dreams
Devils Postpile National Monument
Did They Land Before Columbus?
Dr. Seuss - A Man with an Imagination
Dream Catcher - The Life of Ernie Pepion
Earth Has Its Faults
Estevanico the Explorer
Flowing from a River Near You
From Mildred to Babe
Fun in the Sun...California Style!
Hardscrabble Christmas III
Hawaii: The Island State
Henry Clay
Heroes of September 11
How an Owl Stopped The Lumberjacks
Hudson Bay Furs
Hudson's Bay Company
I Am an Immigrant
Jake and Jackie Prepare to Fly
James K. Polk
Jason Earns His Wings
Joshua Tree National Park
Keith Interviews a Dragon
Keith Interviews Carla Condor
Kids Konnected
Lewis and Clark Cross the Rocky Mountains
Lewis and Clark: A New World (Natural History)
Making Money
More Than Up and Down
No Surprises in Your Water
Olympic Speed Skating
Pony Express- St. Joseph, Missouri
Push + Pull = Bridge?
Rachel Interviews Hasan the Hissing Cockroach
Redwood National and State Parks
Sarah Winnemucca - Paiute Princess
See Sally Ride Through Space
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks
She WILL Skate (**REMOVED: She pulled out... Only relevant to 2006**)
Slavery in the West
The Compromise of 1850
The Gold Rush
The Importance of National Parks
The Pony Express
The Seal of Approval
The Smile That Traveled Around the World
Touring the United States Regions
Wagon Trains
Wendy's World- Migration
What Are Earthquakes?
Why Do We Need Laws, Anyway?
Zach and His Little Red Wagon
~NAME2~ Okapi Sticks His Neck Out
(Grades 6-8)
"Dutch" Reagan
"Fore" - The History of Golf
A Mountain of Garbage
A Woman Joins the Supreme Court
Adventurous Women
Al "Scarface" Capone
All About the Biathlon
America's New Year Celebration: The Tournament of Roses
Animals in the Ocean: the Biggest and the Smallest
Arizona - The True Wild, Wild West
At McDonald's
Belle Starr
Bessie Coleman: "World's Greatest Woman Flyer"
Betty Ford
Beware of the Coastal Invaders!
Black Blizzards and the Dust Bowl
Bonnie Dunbar: From Farm Girl to Astronaut
Books Tell the Story
Boy, Oh, Boysenberry!
Bryce Canyon
Building an Empire
Cable Cars
California Condors
California Missions
Calvin Coolidge
Cariboo Gold
Cave Diving
Cesar Chavez
Channel Islands National Park
Charlie Chaplin - The Tramp
Children of Japanese Relocation Camps
Chinese Immigrants and the California Gold Rush
Cold Water with Hidden Surprises
Controversy at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Torch Relay
Creation of the Post Office Department
Cults - Religion Gone Wrong
Danny, Betsy, and Turkeys 4 America
Death Valley National Park
Destruction - The Dirty Thirties
Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?
Doris Gates
Earth Movements and Time Zones
Earth Movers - Water
Earth's Tectonic Plates
Economy of the West Region
Edwin Hubble: Father of Observational Cosmology
Ellis Island of the West - Angel Island
Emily Carr: Mother of Canada's Modern Art
Endangered Animals!
Endangered Dolphins
Exploring North America - Its Water
Exploring North America - The Landforms
Extreme Skiing
Fame Can Be Found in Many Ways
Famous Immigrants
Fault-Block Mountains and Valleys
Florence Griffith Joyner: World's Fastest Woman
Florence Harding
From Colony to Independence
From Rivers to Oceans
Fun Fads of the Fab Fifties
Gary Paulsen
General Sherman
George Vancouver
Grand Canyon
Gray Whale Migration
Great Basin National Park
Health Crises in Tanzania: Rehema's Story
History of the National Park Service
Hoover Dam
How Does a Seismograph Work?
How the West was Settled
How Windmills Work
Hybrid Cars Update
Idaho: The Gem State
Jack Hays, Texas Ranger
Javed in Pakistan: A Problem with Illiteracy
Javed's Schooling in Pakistan
Jean Studies U.S. Geography
Karen Cushman
Kathleen Karr
Kid Inventors
Lassen Volcanic National Park
Lee Chew - Chinese-American
Lou Hoover
Manifest Destiny
Mapping our Geosphere
Max the Golden Retriever Stays at Paws Palace
Melting Glaciers
Mexican-American War
Monarchs on the Move: A Southern Migration
Mouseketeer Annette
Muir Woods National Monument
My New Red Shoes
Nancy Lopez
Nancy Pelosi, Lady of Power
Nancy Reagan
Native Americans of the Northwest Coast Area
Native Americans of the Plateau and Great Basin Area
New York State
North America
Old Glory
Olympic Swimming
Passing Plates II - Who's Fault?
Paul Fleischman
Plate Boundaries - Earth's Bumper Cars
Pony Express
Push + Pull = Bridge?
Ralph Bunche
Ramblin' Around - Life on the Move in the 30s
Rehema's Story: Health Crises in Tanzania
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
Sargent Claude Johnson
Sasha - A Real Ice Princess
Shake, Rattle, Richter!
Shaun White
Sidewalk Surfing
Skiing the Slopes
Slavery and the Law
Square Root Day
Standing Up for Workers - Cesar Estrada Chavez
Taking a Ride into Space
Temperate Rain Forests
The Artistry of Water
The Australian Gold rush
The Battle to Create a State: Arizona
The Black Hills, Where Two Worlds Met
The Case of the Missing Deed
The Chinese Exclusion Act
The Dust Bowl
The Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906
The Great Zamboni
The History of Red Ribbon Week
The History of the Bear Flag of California
The History of Tsunamis
The Loss of the Honeybees
The Louisiana Purchase
The Mouse Finds a House
The Northwest
The San Francisco Earthquake
The Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918
The Transcontinental Railroad
The Yosemite Indians of the Ahwahnee Valley
Unsolved Mystery - Bigfoot
Virginia City - A Boom Town
Voices of the West - African American Pioneers
Voices of the West - Nat Love
W. O. Mitchell
Warren Harding
Water, Water, Everywhere
West to Freedom - African American Pioneers
West to Freedom - Nat Love and Bill Pickett
What Is a Tsunami?
What Is Scientology
What Variety of Pizza Do You Like?
Where Have the Honeybees Gone?
Who Named This Place?
Who Thought Up This Food?
Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On!
Why Did Russians Come to America?
Why Do We Have Earth Day?
Wind Energy
Wind Farms
Yearning to Breathe Free-Immigration in the 1890s, Pt. 1
Yosemite National Park
You Want Fuel With That?
(Grades 9-12)
"Seizing" Up the Quake: The Prediction
Amelia Mary Earhart
Campaign Changes - 1960
Compromises of 1820 and 1850
Earthquakes and Our Society
Ernest J. Gaines
FDR's New Deal - Social Security
Growing Mountains
Health Insurance
Helen Hunt Jackson Writes for the Native Americans
Jean Ferris
John Steinbeck
Joseph Heller
Languages of the Spanish World
Mineral Super Store
Rails across America - "Done!" The Last Spike
Rails across America - The Beginning
Richard Nixon - The End of a Decade
Robert Kennedy
Sarah Winnemucca Hopkins: Native American Author and Educator
Sid Fleischman
The "Japanese Problem" of WWII - A Struggle of Fear and Freedom
The Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964
The Navajo Wars
The Rose Bowl Game: "The Granddaddy of Them All"
The United Nations Becomes a Reality
Thornton Wilder
United States Immigration Laws 1900-1960
United States Immigration Laws in the 18th and 19th Centuries
Whose Signature Is On Your Dollar Bill?
Willa Cather
(no assigned grade level)
Great Aunt Ella's Treasures
(Grades 3-5)
Big Cats from the Ice Age
(Grades 6-8)
Blue-Footed Booby - Introduction
Blue-Footed Booby
California Condors
Flying Fish
Rain Forests are Amazing!
Sea Otters